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Deepak Sharma & Parul

Total Vote(s) : 2 | Total Testimonial(s) : 2

We are Deepak & Parul. I work for a hardware giant and Parul is an HR Professional (at present a full time nanny for our lil one). Known each other for 9 yrs now. Started as colleagues, became friends and then tied the knot 5yrs ago. We are keen on particiating in this Mitsubishi driving challenge as we believe that life is all about taking chances and here is one we don't wanna miss !

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We are the best candidates because...

.....both of us can manage to drive.... fix a lil bit of car issues.... we love traveling and have lots of fun while at it !


Our Travel Plan

our driving route would certainly begin down south..... out of the concrete city of Bangalore (formerly aka Garden city)... through the green Nilgiris..... touching the Kerala coastline.... a stop over at Goa certainly....and then driving all the way up hill to the beautiul town of Shimla....


Our Travelogue

Covered a few destinations....scenic Himachal, rustic Rajasthan, Karanataka, beautiful Kerala, serenne Pondicherry, Aamchi Mumbai, our favourite destination Goa, aamaar baadi Kolkata (West Bengal) , J&K, UK, Ireland and Scotland.



People who voted for us

Rajesh Sharma

3rd July 2009

Thomas / Shilpy

1st July 2009




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Gaurav Rajpal

What to say about this guy who is finally getting a chance to do something what he is always dreamt and lived for.Deepak & Parul are Good pals and i have seen Deepak's driving journey very closey and i salute his driving skills.I believe he has gone all the places were someone can not think of risking there life in very tough weathery condition from icy to rainy/flooded.I'll say something about Parul ,after their marraige & kid one gets a bit laid back, and becomes family oriented,but in this case.. Before marraige Deepak used to go like a rocket between 2 bikes with hair-thin margin and after marraige with his wife next to him he goes between 2 trucks with hair-thin this is progress and support for his driving skills from Parul.They are fun loving and cutest couple around.

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