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Abhijeet Deolekar & APARNA DEOLEKAR

Total Vote(s) : 2 | Total Testimonial(s) : 1

We are Abhijeet & Aparna from Mumbai. At 38 & 34 years, we have already spent half a life time together. Now, married for 10 years we started dating when we were 19 & 15. Aparna runs a graphic design studio and I am in between jobs. Currently enjoying the break from daily chores of television promotions!

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We are the best candidates because...

We are the best candidates becuase, both of us love travelling, food & photography - the essentials for a travel enthusiast! If given a choice, we would be travelling 6 months a year. I am a safe driver and with precision in map reading and a great sense of direction, Aparna is the best co-driver one can get.


Our Travel Plan

Mumbai to Kanyakumari... I think it will be a great journey becuase it is the most scenic drive down south. It will be challenging becuase we will be in middle of Indian Monsoon... It can get tough driving as we wont be able to hit high speeds. Sounds challenging! The exact route will be finalised later but we would pass through-Goa-Karanataka-Kerala- before reaching Tamil Nadu.


Our Travelogue

We have travelled a bit within India and around the world.... Seen some really fascinating cities of the world - New York, London, Paris & Dubai. Have travelled to black forest on the German side. Been to Munich for a music concert. Have visited other cities like Detroit, LA, Denver, Austin, Houston & Chicago. In India, we individually have travelled to north. Together to Kerala, Goa and some parts of Maharashtra. Around the world we have met some wonderful people, travelled through bomb scares and got nearly looted in Paris. We live to travel!



People who voted for us

seema mohapatra

26th June 2009

Salil Pradhan

25th June 2009




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