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Abhishek Samuel & Anushree N C

Total Vote(s) : 4 | Total Testimonial(s) : 1

Hi, My name is Abhishek Samuel and my partner's name is Anushree Nagaraj. We both for an IT MNC with regular day jobs doing the same job day in and day out. We both enjoy traveling a lot and always are looking for things that would excite the two of us. This race or driving challenge seems like a way of getting out of office and getting out to do something that not too many people get a chance to do.

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We are the best candidates because...

We are the best because my partner and I are extremely adventurous and we love outdoor activities. I have been involved in motor sports earlier in my life and enjoyed every bit of it. My partner and I have traveled extensively across many parts of the world. This challenge would be a stress buster and a way of getting out of the monotony of work.


Our Travel Plan

We love the open road, have no preferences to which place or area. We love the terrains and the mountains and the open roads. So every road is welcome


Our Travelogue

We've had some real good times. Road trips all over south of India. Kerala, Karnataka, Maharashtra to name a few...



People who voted for us

Thomas / Shilpy

29th June 2009

Abhishek & Anushreee

25th June 2009


25th June 2009

Venkat Anurag

24th June 2009




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