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Aditya Sud & Nishtha Sud

Total Vote(s) : 1 | Total Testimonial(s) : 1

We are Aditya(28) & Nishtha(25) from Delhi...married for 2.5yrs and enjoying life to the fullest now....especially after our sweet little 11 month old boy... I (Aditya)am a Computer Engineer & MBA currently working in Airtel as a Sr. Mgr attached to the Executive Director in Mobility Division... just last week i hv completed 5yrs of service in Airtel & it calls for a big celebration--- what better than a road trip along with wife & maybe friends in your challenge... My wife(Nishtha) is a lawyer from IP university and shall start working in a couple of months with a reputed corporate legal firm... its the right time for us to pick up such a challenge since we hv achieved significant milestones in life very recently....also we are very adventurous & luv to travel

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We are the best candidates because...

We are the best candidates because our hunger to enjoy life is never ending.... having travelled half the globe already, we always look out for various challenges & to prove better than the rest will be our continuous endeavour... Its the right time for us to pick up such a challenge since we hv achieved significant milestones in life very recently....


Our Travel Plan

Well if we are talking about 3000kms then we would like to start from Delhi and move towards North first.... this will cover the beautiful hills of Himachal & move towards the fantastic valley of Srinagar to further touch Leh & Ladakh... Post this our travel will be towards the east wherein we'll follow the HOLY Ganges thru uttar pradesh(Allahabad, varanasi), hit Patna & enter West Bengal. North East will be our final destination where we wud like to see the beautiful tea gardens and enjoy the challenging & rough terrain


Our Travelogue

ABROAD 1. Seychelles - Considered to be the most elite & exotic beach county in the world. We've spent more than 3 weeks in this beautiful country which features in the Top 5 beaches of the world....travelled on plane - boats - cruise - road in the width & depth... stayed at the most isolated islands here where u dont even get mobile coverage or any signs of habitation. 2. DUBAI - Desert safari's, sand scooters(our favourite) & shopping. Anywhere we go out from India...we practically take a halt in Dubai..our frequent visits and love for the place made us buy an appartment in Dubai last year. 3. Europe - UK (London, Birmingham, Bristol) , Amsterdam(Netherlands), Edinburg (Scotland), Barcelona(SPAIN), Switzerland(Zurich) & FRANCE( Paris, Nice, Cannes, Montecarlo, Wineyards in South France) Our one month trip to Europe on our honeymoon was amazing as we explored Europe independently....just planned to visit these countries & picked up our bags.... all booking for stay & travel were done directly on web or upon the entire trip we just followed our heart and moved accordingly.. eurail, trams, ferry, cheap airflights ... everything was so much fun. 4. South East Asia ( singapore, malaysia, bangkok, phuket etc) - majorly for shopping once in 2 yrs 5. SriLanka - great place to be since it is cheap to travel, stay & shop.... stay at Bentota was gud clubbed with Forest trecking INDIA - Barring north east & Kerala, we have been to every part of the country extensively in our life.... both with parents & together. - From deserts of Rajasthan to hills of Himachal & the life in Delhi/Mumbai, we have explored every corner of this beatiful country



People who voted for us

Thomas / Shilpy

29th June 2009




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