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Rahul Mudgal & Priya Sood

Total Vote(s) : 48 | Total Testimonial(s) : 6

Rahul from Gurgaon, I work with one of the world’s leading consulting firms as a marketing manager while my partner Priya from Delhi handles the same responsibility albeit for a leading Indian art house. It is almost as if we represent the confluence of two different worlds. We are here because travel is the plane where we connect the best and always have, besides of course sharing our faith in the life philosophy of Nichiren Diashonin's Buddhism. Travel is the elixir which allows one to breakaway from the trappings of the mundane, the predictable. Encompassing both the end and the ceaseless means to that end. When we look back at times gone by, most of what will remain is a collage of travel pictures and a mélange of all of life’s emotions coming together all at once as we reminisce journeys undertaken, everything else will appear of lesser consequence than it does now. We share this passion and joy and that is why it is only natural that we stumbled our way into this contest when we discovered it, late-entrants-fewer-votes constraint notwithstanding! Our wheels include but not limited to a hyundai verna, a wagon r and an enfield 500 retrofitted with NGK iridium plug and K&N fliter. We have undertaken a few on self-driven rentals for the sheer love of the road or the zeal to get away from the trappings of a demanding city life.

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We are the best candidates because...

Bitten and smitten by the travel bug during our formative years, both Priya and I have come to appreciate the subtle nuances of life through our travel experiences. To us roads are critical and destinations only incidental. Over the instances that we have managed to travel together, we have come to realize just why we connect the best as two individuals only while travelling. The chemistry of this team has evolved to a degree that division of labor has taken a definite form in an effortless way or so at least it seems now. I propose routes and she chooses to approve or turns them down with a purposeful ease. She does the meticulous planning of itineraries, the things-to-carry lists, the must-see sites and the budgets as if it were programmed or preordained. While I for most part take up the more unpredictable, the spur-of-the-moment detours to roads less travelled, which she ends up happily complying with for the adventure bug that bit us both equally hard a long time ago. We take turns to drive, naturally giving way to the other before falling asleep behind the wheel or the handlebar as the case may be. The other assumes the role of the navigator and the in-car DJ, and clichés notwithstanding, she is far better a mapreader than I! She is quite comfortable screaming occasionally to ensure that I keep my adrenalin under check while I drive on those rare open stretches of tarmac. Pitstop decisions are almost always mutual and largely driven by my seemingly insatiable hunger while travelling or nature or both. Even our conflict over who a better photographer is, more often than not results in a set of frames which cumulatively capture the essence or the spirit of our journey. . The only two other things that I do exclusively are playing-the-porter (tends to get worse with Priya’s appetite for shopping which unfortunately for me beats mine for food by miles) and write our travelogues which up until now have been beyond the realms of public domain. We are yin and yang in our element. I am a self-proclaimed coffee connoisseur while Priya digs teas. Food is experiments to me and the 'simple-only' for her. Yet the understanding is impeccable. To sum it up, we belong here and have earned this shot at what can potentially be the most eventful of our journeys together thus far. In moments when thanks to the demands on our time our travel plans are taking frustratingly longer to fructify, we find comfort in adding more destinations to our 'bucket list'...with a vengeance. And it is this passion that we hope to guard for a lifetime.


Our Travel Plan

We have long been strong proponents of the India experience and have been selling India to all those who believe that the best vacations lay beyond our borders. India is an embodiment of diversity and this diversity can only be lived through the roads and rail tracks of this idea of a nation. And we have always endeavored to capture the various abstractions of India and the multitudes of cultures, colors, sounds, smells and tastes within those abstractions through our itineraries. For the latitude of a 12-day trip, one can start looking at India as a quadrangle or as a two-dimensional diamond and do any of the four sides or the two diagonals, loosely defined. So here are the options in a random order of preference (clear bias to sticking to coasts along the Arabian Sea) Option I: Mumbai - Kollam - Chennai - Mumbai Option II: Mumbai - Manali - Mumbai Option III: Mumbai - Calcutta - Madurai - Mumbai Option IV: Mumbai - Puri - Mumbai Option V: Mumbai - Jaiselmer - Amritsar - Mumbai Option VI: Mumbai - Mangalore - Porbander - Mumbai The intent is to criss-cross the hinterland, do about 300 kilometers a day, capture the myriad cultures that present themselves on the way with the changing topography yet sticking to the national highways for most part to make the best use of a car, the class of a Cedia sports.


Our Travelogue

Over 10000 kilometers within India, predominantly the north, the west and the south, on both four and two wheels besides in the United Kingdom. What may set this experience apart however from others is that we do not even consider this experience as the starting blip in what we intend to cover. When are not travelling, we are talking travel, thinking travel and planning and itching for the next sojourn.



People who voted for us

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Shalmali Rao

Priya and Rahul,I couldn't think of a more adventurous, open, passionate and enthusiastic couple and travellers.

Amit Khurana

KUDOS to priya for taking part in this competition personally i think you are quite adventurous and im sure you guys will make it so buckle up all the best to you and rahul x


Que tal hombre! this is good stuff...

Zia Hasan

I've known Priya since college, a very competent individual. I am sure she and Rahul will make a great team.

Vineet Pal

Hey All the Best to Rahul & Priya.. This will be a real amazing and thrillin stuff. And i Think u both is very enthisiastic Keep It up and rock the world.. All the Very Best to both You..

Gautam Batra

I have known Rahul for about 14 years now and have taken a few short trips with him - Delhi to Dehradun; Delhi to Amritsar; Chennai to Mahabalipuram to name a few...I wish and think that Rahul and Priya are the winners of this competition.

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