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Ramesh Jain & Priya Jain

Total Vote(s) : 27 | Total Testimonial(s) : 5

I work for an IT company in Bangalore. I love listening to music, travelling, eating out and exploring new places. I usually take off on short spontaneous trips which have no planning, but luckily things always work out for the best. I am also crazy about new gadgets- be it cell phones, laptops or even some interesting machines that I never used. Priya (my kid sister), who will be my partner for the trip shares the same passion for travelling, to an extent that everytime she has enough savings she heads out for a short sojourn into some place she has not been. Like any normal girl her age, she is also mad about trinkets from the place she visits and of course, shopping! Food is another commonly shared passion.

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We are the best candidates because...

We are the best candidates because, come rain or shine a trip is never too far away from materialising. No matter what the odds are- once we set out, we try to include as many places as we can on and along the way. The 15day trip we took to the north of India shows our determination to travel by whatever modes and means are available. Even the lack of private transport could not keep us from going all the way to Manali, we admit we spent a bomb on taxis, but it was worth every dime! And given half a chance, we would probably go every bit of the way to re-live the mad times that were as fun as they were tiring all over again. This of course doesn't mean we are maniacs for difficult travel, we equally enjoy having good planned trips as to where we will eat, sleep and go sight seeing.


Our Travel Plan

Under construction! We will soon update this :)


Our Travelogue

We have travelled extensively to beaches in Karnataka, Pondicherry and the temples of Tamil Nadu. On the other side of India, we have been to Rajasthan (Udaipur, Ajmer) several times, Delhi, the snow capped mountains of Himachal Pradesh and the forts of Gwalior. Besides these long trips, we go out atleast twice a month to new places, small nooks and corners which form some unusual holiday destinations. Considering we are eternally planning holidays, most of the times the trips have been sponataneous- we are obsessive travel bugs who take off on short trips to places which form our list of favorites. We have had an uncountable number of trips to Mysore, Chennai, Pondicherry, Ooty, Nandi hills, Bandipur, Coorg, Chikmanglur and Mangalore. We also visited Lonavla for some heavenly chikkis and lovely weather. We visited Murdeshwar, Karwar, Gokarna, Kumta, Kodaikanal, Kasargod and Goa recently. I have also been to UK- London, South End, Brighton(to enjoy the British Summers on the beach). I love beaches, mountains and forests, and like to spend my time with nature. Priya, on the other hand loves visiting old temples, forts and palaces and monuments(she secretly hopes for an exciting story behind each structure). The best trip we have ever had lasted a hectic two weeks- we started from Bangalore- Mumbai-Surat- Udaipur- Ajmer- Jaipur- Delhi-Chandigarh- Pathankot- Dharamshala- Kullu- Manali- Dehi- Gwalior -Agra -Jaipur - Udaipur -Ahmedabad. This was one of the most adventurous trip because it was a gruelling 15 day trip trough places we had never been to, in possibly every mode of transport available- the plan was to use trains all along, but we also ended up in buses, planes, taxis, rickshaws, bullock carts and horses for a bit in Manali. The plan was to visit half the places mentioned, but as we travelled we kept adding new places to our itinerary- which as a result meant a lot of travelling hours everyday in the most back breaking, unusual modes of transport. The latest trip we took was a slightly spiritual one- we left Bangalore for Krishnagiri- Yelagiri- Vellore. We went away last weekend to visit the famous Golden temple in Vellore and the Padmavati temple in Krishnagiri. The stop on Yelagiri hill station was to satisfy my urge to include being on top of a hill when we happened to be so close to it.



People who voted for us


5th July 2009


4th July 2009


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3rd July 2009

Madhav Narayanan

3rd July 2009

niya vijay

3rd July 2009


3rd July 2009


2nd July 2009

Keerthi K V

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30th June 2009

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29th June 2009

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29th June 2009


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28th June 2009


28th June 2009


28th June 2009


28th June 2009

Anuradha Hebbar

28th June 2009



Anuradha Hebbar

If passion for driving were to be personified, it would appear in the form of Ramesh Jain! He seems to have been born with his hands on the steering n the gas pedal below his feet! Ready to jump into the car at the drop of a hat, he would traverse the ice fields of Leh, the sands of the Thar, the Western Ghats or across the length n breadth of the Indo-Gangetic plains all the while manoeuvring the guzzler (oops!) just for the thrill of the gush of the adrenalin while the speedometer races along!! Seeing the world as a splash of colours within frames n capturing the moments to posterity, pouring out the mind%u2019s eye into well crafted memoirs in a style so lucid n vivid that once you read them, I guarantee it would be nothing short of you being there yourself! That is Priya Jain for you %u2013 an %u2018eloquent%u2019 shutter bug! And the twain shall meet %u2013twined by the singular passion for travel n adventure, going off the beaten track to explore! Priya can make the most mundane light bulb %u2018shine%u2019 (pun intended) with her wit n click, while Ramesh has the zeal to drive tirelessly making even the arduous of journeys a cherished retreat! The vivacity in their persona adds to the extra zing! From sandy beaches to mountaintops, sunny deserts to evergreen forests, (I vouch the travelogue ;)) this travel freak twosome siblings have been there done that, even as this challenge would undoubtedly be a resplendent feather on their well adorned hats. The fervour in their relevant sphere is indeed unparalleled and now; their talents truly complement each other without being superfluous! With the unique combo of talents I am convinced that no other pair is more perfect than this one, for %u2019THE GAME%u2019 (even as Ramesh likes to call himself that) seems to have been chiselled having the two in mind! The ideal pair! Vote for Ramesh n Priya now and be rest assured that you would get to read the best travelogues you%u2019ve ever known! Looking fwd to some awesome pics n insightful blogs! I wish them the very best!

Anuradha Hebbar

If passion for driving were to be personified, it would appear in the form of Ramesh Jain! He seems to have been born with his hands on the steering n the gas pedal below his feet! Ready to jump into the car at the drop of a hat, he would traverse the ice fields of Leh, the sands of the Thar, the Western Ghats or across the length n breadth of the Indo-Gangetic plains all the while manoeuvring the guzzler (oops!) just for the thrill of the gush of the adrenalin while the speedometer races along!! Seeing the world as a splash of colours within frames n capturing the moments to posterity, pouring out the mind's eye into well crafted memoirs in a style so lucid n vivid that once you read them, I guarantee it would be nothing short of you being there yourself! That is Priya Jain for you - an 'eloquent' shutter bug! And the twain shall meet - twined by the singular passion for travel n adventure, going off the beaten track to explore! Priya can make the most mundane light bulb 'shine' (pun intended) with her wit n click, while Ramesh has the zeal to drive tirelessly making even the arduous of journeys a cherished retreat! The vivacity in their persona adds to the extra zing! From sandy beaches to mountaintops, sunny deserts to evergreen forests, (I vouch the travelogue ;)) this travel freak twosome siblings have been there done that, even as this challenge would undoubtedly be a resplendent feather on their well adorned hats. The fervour in their relevant sphere is indeed unparalleled and now; their talents truly complement each other without being superfluous! With the unique combo of talents I am convinced that no other pair is more perfect than this one, for 'THE GAME' (even as Ramesh likes to call himself that) seems to have been chiselled having the two in mind! The ideal pair! Vote for Ramesh n Priya now and be rest assured that you would get to read the best travelogues you've ever known! Looking fwd to some awesome pics n insightful blogs! I wish them the very best!

Rupesh The Bull

Rj thats what we call him but he likes to be called The G.A.M.E.As far his driving skills go he not better than me (just kidding) he drives awsome.He has got a lovely car (Accent) which may make you think is a cheap one but the way he has modified it is awsome and has got nice system which makes you go crazy.1st time we used that car was in our Goa trip and from then were ever we go we take his car.You wont beleive in 3 hrs I drove from chennai to bangalore in his car. Rj is a nice guy very jovial,adventures and fun loving guy.We always had good time with him.He is one of the naughtiest guy in our friends circle.Is ready to take anyone ass apart.There are lots to talk about him but its not the place.


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RJ's Love

What do I call him, an amazing, friendly, lovable, handsome person, fun loving, on & so forth. Going for a drive with him is an amazing and most memorable experience that any body can have or remember for a life time. I fell for him for his driving. I have always admired his driving when i used to not go with him. I used to always look forward to go for a drive with him. But when i finally made it i was on cloud nine. I have gone with him to so many places & every drive is d most memorable one i have had. He is like ever ready battery always ready for drive, especially long drives. His car is very sexy, amazing tyres, lovely alloys, & sexy music system. All in all an hottest driver with the sexiest car.

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