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Parag Agrawal & Arti Kanwar

Total Vote(s) : 1 | Total Testimonial(s) : 1

I am Parag Agrawal, currently pursuing my job as an "Assistant Software Engineer at TCS" and my partner Arti Kanwar would be soon serving the software company "TECH MAHINDRA". We are here since we both are equally fanatic for driving and love to be on adventure trips full of thrills and frills. We enjoy discovering new places and capturing some of the picturesque moments of god's beauty on earth.

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We are the best candidates because...

We certainly are the best candidates as we share the passion for driving and can travel for a day long journey quite easily. We are enthusiastic, young blooded and full on adventure filled journeys. Together we have travelled thousands of kilometers already on both day and night journeys. We simply follow the mantra for life "COME WHAT MAY". And this is what is going to distinguish us from the rest others.


Our Travel Plan

We plan to start from mumbai and end up the journey in mumbai within the prescribed time constraints....thats the plan as of now:-)


Our Travelogue

We have traveled together almost every street of our state till now. And wish to secure this challenge as yet another milestone to our driving passion and add glory to our careers for future challenges.



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5th July 2009




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