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Narayan Mallapur & Radhika Mallapur

Total Vote(s) : 238 | Total Testimonial(s) : 13

Hi, this is Radhika and Narayan Mallapur from Thane, India. We are amongst the few couples who have the fortune of transforming their hobby into profession. While I am passionate about teaching and hence is in the teaching profession, my husband Narayan is employed with a leading tour operator. We both are also passionate about travel, driving and photography. Between us, we have traveled across 15 countries so far and many destinations within the country. While he drives, I click photographs, while I cook, he writes. We both are responsible travelers, we care for the environment, we would also like to leave minimal footprint wherever we travel. He has traveled most parts of India on a Yamaha RX 100 bike, traversing 1.54 Lac Kms, all alone! He has also trekked the easiest to the toughest trekking routes in the Ladakh region. He has been an online editor for writing / editing information on travel in India. The Open Directory Project is the largest, most comprehensive human-edited directory of the Web. It is constructed and maintained by a vast, global community of volunteer editors. We are proud parents of Prateek ( 16 years old), Tanvi ( 10 years old) and Tango (- Fawn colored Labrador 1.2 years old). All three are as enthusiastic and have the wanderlust just like us, however they have reconciled themselves to the fact that, the TGDC contest is open to couples only, they would cheer us on when we both head towards Lahaul Spiti on August 12th.

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We are the best candidates because...

We Confess: At the outset, we admit we have not been able to garner votes in thousands nor have large number of testimonials. But we know for sure that, we have communicated to hundreds ( or is it thousands?) via emails/ facebook/ sms/ personal communication that we are participants in an exciting contest being organized by Mitsubishi( that’s the whole idea, right?). All of this would have been well past the usual bed time and just before taking our Labrador Tango out for a daily morning walk at 5.30 am! We also admit we haven’t participated in any rally, we can’t light a fire without a match, we can’t make a make-shift raft out of tree branches- Hey guys, we are ordinary folks having the wanderlust./// However, we still are confidant that we would the winning couple because we have the right ingredients to make us the winning team!/// RADHIKA- Is addicted to travel ever since she went on to Kerala for an educational tour from school and has since, never looked back. She is the one who hunts out the best of restaurants in a city/ town, gets bargains from the shops and also shoots well, I mean the pictures. She has traveled several parts of India and also a couple of countries. She has a deep love for the local culture, tries to imbibe the customs of the locals that we visit. She is a vocal proponent of slow travel and is keen that our future travel is./// NARAYAN- A restless personality, passion for travel and a love of traversing the unbeaten path led him to a career in travel for the past 15 years. After 10 years in catering and food business and a 6 year stint in banking, Narayan found his moors in the world of travel. Since childhood, travel has been in his DNA, having traveled across the country with parents and elder brother and later, on motorcycle most parts of India, all alone. Driving has been an obsession for him, be it a bike or a car since just-before-legal-age! Let me see, was it July 1979 that Narayan learnt driving? These 30 years have not diminished any of his desire or spirit to drive, be it any place, any time, any mode. He was the 1st person to travel on Manali- Leh road, the day it opened for civilians without the inner line permit. Apart from travel, he loves to write, has contributed many articles in a community newsletter ( on various topics, including types and description of mud houses built in India!) and also been a voluntary editor at DMOZ, the largest ODP on the net, writing / editing contributions on category: Travel, India. Photography is another obsession ( too many obsessions, eh?) all his pocket money those days were spent on the his Yamaha RX100, Nikon F3 and FG and transparencies. And yes, the fuel for the RX100. He has travelled most parts of India and seen about 15 countries so far. He loves outdoors, especially the unbeaten path……./// TOGETHER: Passion for travel, drive, driving and photography. Though we may not be the trailblazers in the blogosphere, we promise to be shining examples of web-savvy wonderfulness, keeping all those thousands following our blogs hooked on for those 12 days ( and beyond?) by producing interesting & engaging content with racy incidents - about the drive, the Cedia Sports, the driving experience, the terrain, the local people, food and scenery, et all. The narrations and the photographs would bring stories to life. Are we going a little overboard by saying- “ we would leave an imprint of Lahaul Spiti in every heart” making everyone wanting to drive down to Lahaul Spiti in a Cedia Sports! (Hindustan Motors/ Mitsubishi would love it, getting so many booking orders for the car -Nudge, nudge, wink, wink) Himachal Tourism would also get a boost, resulting in people in this region benefit with more jobs for the tourism industry. This would result in enriching everyone’s experience beyond their expectations. We promise all our blogs would deliver delightful, insightful, honest pieces that just simply tell it like it is….///


Our Travel Plan

Imagine for a moment that on a Monday morning, you are travelling from Gateway of India to Navi Mumbai which is well over 50 Kms. away and on the entire journey, you see just 4 to 5 persons . What would you do- either pinch yourself to check whether you are dreaming or wonder whether you have gone bonkers, right? We are planning a trip to Lahaul & Spiti, one of the most enchanting places (but sparsely populated) in India. A little information about this destination would be in order- Lahaul & Spiti covers a large area of 13,833 Sq. Kms. but is very thinly populated. It has a population of just 33,224- only 2 persons per sq. km.! Compare this with the population of Mumbai: 21,880 or Kolkata’s 27,462 persons per sq. km.! One can well imagine how remote, inaccessible this region would be. Besides the world famous Tabo & Kii (Kee) Monastery, it also has the famous Triloknath and Mrikula Mata Temples. For fuel supplies, one has to tank up, as there are just two petrol stations in this large region. It is said that the Himalayas have over 25,000 Glaciers, some of the known glaciers are the Chandra and Bhaga are located in this district. There is another by the name of “ The Lady of Keylong” which is very popular amongst the tourists. The name was given by Lady Elashainghday a century ago during the British ruling. The glacier is situated at an altitude of 19885 feet a.s.l. and it can be seen clearly from Keylong. It remains covered with snow throughout the year. But in the middle, there is seen a dark bare patch that looks like the figure of a woman, walking with a load on her back. Hence the name “ The Lady of Keylong”. The mountains, the gurgling waters, the friendly villagers, pristine water bodies, the rugged mountains, the divine temple of Tabo (over 1012 years old) or the Kee monastery ( 1009 years old) beckons again. Driving to Lahaul and Spiti, all the way from Mumbai is not only a challenge to man ( and woman) but also the machine! The rarefied air, the dry ( and not so dry!) river beds,, slush and loose sand make much of the "roads" in this Shangri-La! The scenery is breath-taking, the terrain and the drive is challenging. Filled with nostalgia, would like to do this drive again, having been in this area on a bike and later by car. What would be more challenging to do this 4222 Kms. drive in just 12 days! The Route: Mumbai- New Delhi- Manali- Kaza- Rampur-Shimla-Agra- Mumbai.

Blog Blog

Our Travelogue

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” -- Mark Twain. @@@ Though I came across this adage by Twain much later, I always believed in it and lived it. It is exactly twenty years ago that, I traveled to some of the most exotic destinations in India, on a Yamaha Rx 100, all alone. In those days, I lived in Bangalore and for several years I was dreaming of travelling to Lahaul & Spiti in Himachal and Ladakh, in Jammu & Kashmir. The latter I wanted to travel by the Manali- Leh road, which was not open to civilians until July 1989. I was planning to apply for an Inner Line Permit to undertake this journey but got to know that they would allow Indian nationals to travel without the permit once the road was cleared of snow. There is such a heavy snowfall in this area that, some parts of the road are covered with snow 20- 22 feet in height! My journey started from Bangalore one day in early July........@@@ I had reached Shimla after travelling from Delhi/ Chandigarh/ Kasauli. At Dharampur. I take a diversion from the NH 22 to reach Kasauli. It is a small, beautiful hill station and it is a honeymooner’s paradise. The next day, I planned to do the Shimla- Rampur- Kaza sector first ( Lahaul Spiti) but learnt that the road was blocked due to heavy landslides and may take a couple of days to clear the debris. I also got to know that the Manali- Leh road would be open to traffic from July 17th. Hence, I packed up and travelled to Manali and stayed overnight.@@@ Early next morning, I filled up the tank as well as two jerry cans with petrol for the long and arduous journey of 470 Kms. I stocked up my rucksack with a can of cheese, a bread loaf and some chocolates. I had “planned!” doing the journey of 470 Kms.( I clocked 496 Kms) in about 15-16 hours as I had heard that the roads were not good. And in those days, there was no internet to rely upon for better information. I had absolutely no inkling to what was in store for me! @@@ Instead of the “ expected 15-16 hours”, it took me four days to reach Leh! Some of you would have fallen off your chair reading this but, this is absolute truth. Though the journey was incredible and the area truly Shangri-La, I had trouble which was unimaginable. I was without food for almost two days and it was only due to the friendly army personnel at Spang camp who gave me kheer and eggs for breakfast on day four or else would have collapsed due to hunger.@@@ Re-live the entire experience by reading the full narration... @@@ Whenever we think of our travel to various destinations, we are filled with nostalgia and feel like doing it all over again. Which other of our experiences that we list here? @@@ Nestled between Switzerland and Austria, is Vaduz, Liechtenstein. Liechtenstein with a population of just over 5,000, is one of the smallest countries in the world. We enjoyed a ride in a battery operated mini train, which covers the entire country’s sight-seeing in just 40 minutes! Next to the train tickets counter is the counter of the tourist office. Here, you can get your passport stamped with the “ visa stamp” of Liechtenstein for about 3 Euros. Close to it is the popular main street- Stadtle- a sort of a flea market, selling second-hand curios, souvenirs, artifacts and trinkets. @@@ One of the most enjoyable street-life entertainment is on La Rambla in Barcelona, Spain. We enjoyed the scene for hours, what with the bustle of tourists from almost all countries in the world, the performers, artists, musicians and the dancers. The whole atmosphere gets festive and as the sun sets, we stroll for a while and later reluctantly leave for our hotel as we have an early flight to catch the next morning. @@@ One of the most beautiful train station that I have seen is the Atocha Railway Station at Madrid. Madrid has two main railway stations, and Atocha happens to be the largest and also breathtaking, especially the interior plaza, which is beautifully done up with lots of greenery, water bodies, etc. It has a tropical garden with lots of plants, fish and turtles. It has a very large atrium, encompassing the gardens, offices and the train bay. We marveled at its size and beauty. @@@ Schweizerisches Verkehrsmuseum Luzern or the Swiss Transport Museum a is one of the most popular museums in Switzerland. It has various exhibiting halls, displaying all transport modes of different eras, the complex also houses Imax theatre, Planetarium and also the Hans Erni Museum, a local but renowned painter. This is located close to the Lucerne lake. @@@ The only thing which I did not like about the Yamaha RX 100 was it’s electricals. With 6 Volts, the headlights were pretty bad. The worst scare that I got was while traveling through the Jawahar tunnel, it was sheer nightmare. It was pitch dark and a truck honking away to glory behind me, I could barely see the road ahead. However, the mood changed soon thereafter. Coming downhill the steep loops on the Srinagar to Jammu is an exhilarating drive. Cornering the steep curves at a speed of 80- 90 Kms/ hour though dangerous, is a heady experience.@@@ Another “ heady” experience was the Heineken Experience at Amsterdam. The famous beer company has shifted their factory at a new location but converted their old brewery into a world class museum, where you get to see how beer is made and bottled, learn the history of beer. This factory is located exactly outside the boat cruise landing stage. You also experience a 4 D experience- “ Be a bottle, travel on the conveyor belt like a beer bottle travels, get filled with beer and get capped”, all this on a film but with a 4 D experience. You get the feeling of moving just like the beer bottle which moves on the screen. The entrance fee to experience this was 9 Euros in 2007, which included 3 beers and a memento of the Heineken miniature beer bottle. @@@ The nostalgia of the many trips are too many... The recent trip was a whirlwind tour to our hometown ( read village -Mallapur) 750 Kms away from Mumbai, on the coastal Karnataka belt, close to the famous pilgrimage destination Gokarna. Early one Saturday morning, we had just arrived from Malaysia and Singapore and I was in the midst of changing my job from one travel company to another and hence we could not be away from Mumbai for more than 2 days. The drive on the Innova took a little over 10 hours, including the mandatory 3 comfort stops and filling of fuel. Taking the Pune/ Kolhapur/ Belgaum/ Hubli/ Yellapur route, the roads are just excellent ( I just can't imagine the state of the roads after the heavy monsoons) as this part of Karnataka receives heavy rainfall and the soil strata is loose...remember the difficulties that Konkan railways had, while constructing all those tunnels and track in this area? We spent some quality time with my great grand mother who lives in the village.@@@ The "shortcut" route from Munnar to Kodai which is just 96 Kms took all of 10 hours on the motorbike.....the entire journey was done in heavy rainfall. But the scenic beauty was just out of the world! En-route we passed Berijam, had hot Malpua and tea in a small, roadside stall. I am told that now, Berijam is out of bounds for tourists, having been declared eco-reserve to conserve the delicate flora and fauna. @@@ One long trip was the drive from Delhi - Shimla/ Manali/ Palampur/ Dharamsala/ Dalhousie/ Katra in peak winter. The highlight of this was a overnight stay at the log huts at Raison, between Kullu and Manali. The gurgling waters of river Beas at night, was sheer bliss and calming. This reminded me of my stay at these same huts way back in 1989, while on my way to Leh on a Yamaha RX 100. I had travelled all alone, from Bangalore on that occasion.@@@ NOTE: “@@@” DENOTES PARAGRAPH BREAKS



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I read your profile and liked it very much.You can increase your vote bank and testimonials by joining the community "Cedia Great driving challenge" in orkut.

Shiva Kumar

I was soo happy to meet U in Kadri's place. Have a wonderful drive, let me also know about this adventures activities for bachelors & spinsters. C U soon. All the best in all the ways. May GOD bless us all

Prateek Mallapur

Hope you win!


Hi, its so amazing , tht u r actually doing wat u r best at SPEED ... hope to see u Win this contest .. ALL THE VERY BEST TO BOTH OF U !


You were born in the wrong country is what i feel, now that we are getting better roads and better cars like the Cedia, nothing else should satisfy your more is what i strongly feel. You have done things normally considered difficult like driving a car which had faulty headling but pulling the high beam through the night, or taking me through the Mumbai Deluge. I really hope you are the lucky couple who get to participate in the Great Driving Challenge! Please take some time out and detail out the Yamaha journey over in hospitable terrains. Wish you all the very best! If you get this i would belive that this is truly a challenge.

Sucheta Nadkarni Olety

I have no doubt that you are a worthy candidate for this challenge. You have the experience,passion and determination to win. ALL THE BEST !!

Deepa Shailendra

Radhika & Narayan, I love the unbridled enthusiasm and passion that you bring with you in every enterprise that you participate in. I totally believe that you are the best candidate for this challenge. We'll be rooting for you.God Luck and God speed


Yay! Here is the winner of the competition! It's already decided... no one can win against mah uncle :)

vasudha jog

All the best... drive another success story

Vashistha Chawda

Wish you all the best, I know that you are born winner, it is just a matter of time and everyone in the world will have one name on their lips %u201CNarayan Mallapur%u201D : The Champion !! Luv : Vashistha

Ajay Nair

Hey Narayan, All the very best. I am sure you do well and come out Champs....


Nanu / Radhika, Considering that Nanu was among the first Indians to ride to Ladakh on a bike and the fact that he left his safe banking job to pursue a career in travel means that you guys should be there in this competition. The competition would be poorer if you dont get in.


gr8 it must b tough going as the days of your selection r nearing,b prepared as u r going to win ITS A PRETTY SIMPLE ONE 4 U

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