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Gaurav & Rajitha

Total Vote(s) : 25 | Total Testimonial(s) : 5

hello, We are Gaurav and Rajitha, we both are working for a Consulting company in Hyderabad... we are married two years back.. we both are eveready for adventures and are always keen to pack bags and move on.. i am from the northern india and my wife is from the southern India so we both have travelled many places together and alone also.. we have been to many adventurous places after marriage.. though there are many places yet to be explored.. for which we are just waiting for ... we are just bored of the daily day to day routine and need to have some fun and adventure in life... so just waiting to pack the bags and head for something exciting and adventurous .. Cheers :)

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We are the best candidates because...

winning is not the only thing in life.. i wont say that yes i am the best candidate.. but yes we are the best deserving candidates for this.. we have travelled the maximum of North India, South India, and have been to many places all over India.. Leh, Ladak, Rothang Pass, Mussoorie, Garhwal, Rajasthan, Ooty, Lonavala are a few to name.. We would be looking forward for this Challenge...


Our Travel Plan

TRAVEL PLANS.. well as such no travel plans yet decided.. we think that if plans are made they dont go according to the way they are made.. so we make plans on the spot and they work accordingly to achieve them.. and anyways you cant predict what can happen.. but one thing for sure.. YOU GIVE US ROAD.. AND WE WILL DRIVE...


Our Travelogue

travelling -- the word as it spoken contains a lot pf explanation.. we both have travelled to different parts of India together.. starting from the bad slopes of Garhwal to the green mountains of Lonavala, starting from the hot dust of rajasthan to the chilly snow of Mussoorie.. I am an adventourous guy, travelled all around India from my childhood.. from Kanyakumari to Kashmir.. i have seen the maximum places and would love to travel them again.. rajitha on the other end has travelled all of southern India and is well versed with the places..



People who voted for us


2nd July 2009


1st July 2009


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Manas Sharma

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Mir Ali

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Deepthi M

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Rajiv Misra

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This couple is my favorite. Gauvrav does a very safe drive.

Deepthi M

Gaurav makes funny statements and sounds at times..though I dont like..they are good but....:)

Mir Ali

To be precised..friendly couple, Gaurav is humorous and gets along with everyone... :)

Vishal ..Aka.. Daddu

well writiting a testi for a friend like Gaurav would be a great Pleasure.. he has been adventourous and sporty from his childhood.. from clinbing walls to going for a long cycle ride.. we have spent almost 5 years together.. and in thaose five years he has hardly spend or made me spend the weekend at home.. from the white snow of shimla to the hot red sand of rajasthan.. this fellow is a crazy guy.. wish him all the best for the challenge.. chow..


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