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Manoj Kumar & Dolly Pujara

Total Vote(s) : 5 | Total Testimonial(s) : 1

We are Manoj & Dolly. I am a business man dealing in surgical items & my wife is house wife. we are here because our passion is to drive to fast and want to participte in some rally race

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We are the best candidates because...

while i am driving my thinking is different from others


Our Travel Plan

jaipur ajmer or mumbi pune


Our Travelogue

Goa, USA



People who voted for us

Aroon Singh

17th July 2009

Thomas & Shilpy

16th July 2009

Sohrab Bharucha

16th July 2009


16th July 2009

Jyoti Gaurav Dabur

16th July 2009



Jyoti Gaurav dabur

All the best guys.. I m one of the participants just thought to vote you frst :)

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