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Ram & Rakhi

Total Vote(s) : 146 | Total Testimonial(s) : 12

We are Y2K couple (as we call it) having passion for traveling and photography. Both software engineers. Love to drive long distances. Clicking pictures. Mesmerizing the taste buds with cuisines. We have traveled to more than 25 cities in India by road/car. And the journey has started yet :o) We drove these routes by car - Delhi-Mathura-Agra-Fatehpur Sikri - Bangalore-Belgaum-Pune-Mumbai-Surat-Vadodra-Ahemdabad-Jodhpur-Udaipur-Ajmer-Jaipur-Delhi - Delhi-Nainital, Delhi-JimCorbett, Delhi-Nainital, Delhi Haridwar, Delhi-Chandigarh, Delhi-Aligarh We want to be in this challenge for a break from the routine work, prove our skills other than engineering. Have fun blast. Experience blogging from the road while the world watches. We can feel the adrenaline rush even while filling up this form.

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We are the best candidates because...

We love travel and photography. I would have been a traveler and photographer if not software engineer. We just want to live the life, make new friends, know more culture, cherish the different cuisines, embrace mother nature in its beauty. We are software engineers, tech savvy. have laptops and internet anywhere we go. Photo gear by the side always. We would love to flaunt the experience of blogging from the road while all the world watches us.


Our Travel Plan

We will try to cover a few major cities on our route limited by the guidelines. We did have fun on our travel from Bangalore to Delhi by Road. We are all excited for the fun, travel, blogging, gadgets, media... and of course the adrenaline rush of driving a brand new cedia sports with navigation. Have fun all the way and win the million! :o)

Blog Blog

Our Travelogue

- Delhi-Mathura-Agra-Fatehpur Sikri To see The Taj Mahal, Visit the Fatehpur Sikri Shrine, and buy some leather stuff from Agra. Not to mention the famous petha. The Taj is a master piece to see. No matter how many times you have seen it. Road between Delhi and Agra is awesome. It is always fun to drive on it. We have even done backpacking and Delhi-Agra on 100 cc Bike earlier. Car was more fun though. - Bangalore-Mysore-Ooty I left my last job in Bangalore. We decided to have fun, travel to nearby cities, take lot of photographs, and make the most of the time for all nearby cities. Mysore and Ooty has lot of nice places to see. Bandipur sanctury was awesome. Deers running around in visible range of the road, wild elephants in the bamboos, lot of different birds and the calmness of nature. - Bangalore-Belgaum-Pune-Mumbai-Surat-Vadodra-Ahemdabad-Jodhpur-Udaipur-Ajmer-Jaipur-Delhi We finally decided to make coming back to Delhi, a blast! The parents on both sides of the family were scared, praying and calling us multiple times a day to make sure everything is ok. :o) It was a thrilling experience and a great driving route. All the way from Mumbai to Delhi was a four lane highway. One can simply floor the pedal and zip across the road. new chain of vegetarian restaurants all across the highway had delicious food. Gujrati unlimited thali had us pot bellied for a few hours :o) - Delhi-Nainital (3 times) Once for the fun, another time for a second look and third time to escape the heat. Nainital is not very far from Delhi for a hillstation. The first one we drove was with my friends. - Delhi-JimCorbett We decided to pay another visit to the wild nature, smell the fresh air, cool the eyes with greens. Four of us all over the night drive. Vromed the engine at 00 hrs and a non-stop drive single handed with all the passengers sleeping. One of them was snoring next to me on navigator seat! Twilight was in Corbett National Park. - New York I was in New york for software project. I traveled all of new york places of tourist interest. clicked a lot of photographs. - Waltham, Boston, Massechussetts I was in Waltham for software project. Traveled to Boston which is a coast line. I took a commercial tourist boat to the sea for Whale watching. Boston has a very good breeding area 10 kms form the cost line for humpack whales. Some of my shots are from there. - Switzerland I was in switzerland for software project. Traveled all over the switzerland on weekends during my 3 month stay. Beaches, hills, mountains, open restaurants, italian pizza, calzones and of course the famous swiss hot chocolate can never be forgotton.



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Kalikinkar ur profile n liked it very much.U can increase ur vote bank n testimonials thru the community in orkut


Ram is a wonderful person and a very good photographer. I have seen him involved in depth during the shoots. He loves to drive long distances. I know how happy he was after they drove from Bangalore to Delhi


Way to go! yay! keep up the spirit. I would love to see you win. bbye. c ya :)


Rakhi has always been an outdoor person with an eye on all sorts of food available out there. I am sure they are going to make the best of this opportunity.


So, you guys are ready for yet another adventure! Good. I will wait for some nice photographs. Good luck. Have fun.

Rakshit Narula

Great going pal, I know your passion for travelling is deep and inviting.. after all I taught you to drive.. Goodluck, you deserve it.

Priti Pandey

Hey! you have proved yourselves to be DDDD(Deadly Daring Driving Duo),Your passion for travel and photography remains unmatched, amazing to see it getting personified day by day. All the best! You are rocking as ever!

Rajeev Sharma

Hi Ram & Rakhi, your name is synonymous with driving and photography inentire friend circle. Keep this passion on & all the very best. Hope your hobby makes you the winner.

Supriya Rehil

Hey, you are surely "R" heroes. Considering your overwhelming passion for travel & photography, this sure would be the best platform to exhibit your undeniable zest and enthusiasm. Your profile talks volumes about you both and I wish you all the luck to take up this challenge and emerge victorious. I'm sure you both will set the place on fire with your burning desire of travelling on the unexplored roads on this great planet. Once again , congratulations on making it here and to you both. Cheers.


Hi Guys, never imagined your hobby would become your passion, you truly deserve this. This is the platform which compliments your passion for driving and photography and that's why you do not have to try hard%u2026. I am sure your inquisitive bent of mind and hunger for new places to be explored and captured on camera would take you places%u2026. All the best to both of you, not per chance but you truly truly deserve this!

Beverley Alvares

Only a few lucky ones get an opportunity of a lifetime; to live their dreams, spread their wings and soar. I%u2019m glad you are one of them. Its truly inspiring to have met somebody like you'll who love to live life on their own terms and always walks away a winner. Here's wishing you all the best.I am looking forward to some great photographs and adventure stories. You guys are truly amazing))


Ram bro simply i luv u sho much as i hav never seen any one like u.

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