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Abhishek Kumar Singh & Amrita Singh

Total Vote(s) : 2 | Total Testimonial(s) : 1

Hi,We are Abhishek/Amrita ,living in Faridabad,my hometown is Ranchi . We are here to have lots of fun/excitement and adventurous experience . I love to drive ,its my passion too.I and my wife are very much found long drives and enjoy it alot. I have once particpated in Rally and won the 2nd Prize out of 35 contestant. Driving is one thing which i cant give up. Wanna be a part of the team . Cheers ! Abhishek/Amrita

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We are the best candidates because...

We are the best won't be the right way to judge ourselves If we get opportunity to be a part of the adventure will prove to be best among all. One thing i know I love and enjoy driving.It's my passion


Our Travel Plan

Coastal regions/Hills n mountains ,rough roads etc.

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Our Travelogue

I used to travel alot during my school/college days but as of now not much.Yes but have explore roads date would to be roaming in an out skirts of the city all the time . I have choose to drive and come to delhi from my native place Ranchi(Jharkhand) which is 1300 Km away. Car is my first option for travelling any where across India . In my College day,back in UK ,we used to rent a car and go across the country side,beaches all way on the motar way express and explore the places. Love to drive along the coastal regions it feel's great



People who voted for us

Utsav Parashar

6th July 2009

bhaskar bhushan

6th July 2009




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