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arvind shahabadi & Prapti

Total Vote(s) : 38 | Total Testimonial(s) : 10

We are Arvind & Prapti,the buddies who share everything under the sun because we gel everyway and the passion of thrill makes us enjoy every season.I,am a Major in the Indian Army & Prapti is working as Healthcare Research Consultant with Accenture.We met during our one call for adventure at Goa and shared instant rapport which has forged into strong friendship.

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We are the best candidates because...

We are the best candidates because the kind of vaccations we take,our accquaintances call us 'crazy'.That's fine by us,as long as we have each other by our side.Our friends wait to hear about the unexpected trips and journeys from us.'Cruising' is too quite for us.Roughing it in the woods,is the typical vaccation we take.So,this is the next on the horizon for this thrill seeking duo.


Our Travel Plan

We are still planning on the route to take so that not only our journey becomes memorable but also the ones we will be sharing experiences with can encounter an amazing trip virtually.


Our Travelogue

We have travelled alone and together and could only stop and go down the memory lane;where memories only shine,shine on but never burn.As a boy,I used to dream of the day I would unlock the beauty of the nature and monuments.I have scaled the peaks of Kashmir,Dhanolti,Mussorie and washed my feets at west coast.My trips have ranged from northern places like Agra,Chandigarh,Delhi to far flung south.Prapti could have spent her life like a normal girl and spent her life working.But she sets her aspirations high and have moved from east India to southern shores.She has joined me in travelling expeditions and we have explored the forests of Maharashtra,Karnataka,Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh.I have whettled my skills at para gliding,combat free falling and I dream of flying like an unbridled horse.Prapti's latest trip was her single entry at Madrid and exploring the wonderful city.In our journey of variety we can only stop to marvel at the beauty of the places.Our passion is to unfurl more places satiating our soul,sky being the limit yet being firmly grounded.



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Team work and dedication are the names of the game. Both Prapti and Arvind are ideal to take on the challenges. Their "go get it spirit" and passion for adventure will, I am sure, make them formidable opponents. ALL THE BEST GUYS!!

Sanjukta Chakraborty

All the best prapti and arvind


Passion and perseverance is what defines Prapti and Arvind, they are thrill seekers who are ready to take on any challenge and definitely as a team they have in them what it takes to be the winners in this challenge. Way to go guys!!! All the very best!!!


Best of Luck....


Prapti is composed of contrasting characters. She can be mature and rational to the core and the very next moment she can be crazy from the very word go. She is the livewire among our friends. I have seen her moods ranging from damp squibs to fizzy crackers.But I tell you,whatever she does,she gives her best in it.Middleway is a complete no-no for her.If she cannot give her 100%,she better wont do that work.If her work that makes her earn a healthy package makes her feel claustrophobic, she can put in her papers to be a bartender or a scuba diving instructor if that interests her right now.Anything can hook her interest n then it gets her full devotion.She worships whatever she does.And coming to worshipping,she worships God,when she feels she can dedicate her full concentration in it.And I have seen her doing the craziest things,taking me to have icecream at wee hours of night,learning to ride pulsar though she doesnt know cycling,travelling to Madrid all by her own,dancing to the tunes of drums during immersion,walking miles just to get her confidence back and the list is endless.And being my roommate,I have seen her pretty pally with Arvind,the friends who compliment each other the best.They are just in ecstasy and at best when at each others company.I am sure they both form a good couple for this coz they have taken many a rough trips together.

Sujoy Roy

Prapti defines completely an Aries personality.She is a firebrand.She swears by her branded stuffs n gizmos yet she cherishes even trying her hands out in driving an auto-rickshaw.She is independent and courageous.She is open to gaining knowledge so that she can sharpen her skills.With her there are no half measures and goes out of her way to achieve her objectives.The new feather to the set is her enterpreneurial project on animal assisted therapy.Very few people can outdo her as she asserts her superiority.Though not much of a talker she makes a great observer and listener but when she is in mood she makes us laugh till we get orangatun hiccups.This is definitely something that suits her personality and am sure she has the staying power and can keep going even when all around her are out for the count.


Arvind is a high flyer,literally and he also soars high accomplishing his dreams.In such an young age he has created such a niche for himself in his service.He is always driven by his adrenaline rush which takes him to unfurl places which can only give us goose flesh.When he got his pet,I was amazed by the intense research that was done to take care of it.He is a charmer.Not only by his looks,he charms you by his fast yet smooth bike rides and by the way he sings.If you sit in front of an oven for a minute you feel like an hour and if you go for drive with Arvind for hours,you feel it was only a minute.He has a hectic schedule which we civilians cant even imagine,yet he is never tired and is always by your side.You can pull him for social whirligig anytime.He is a complete gentleman yet so much driven by his adventurous fascinations.He sets difficult targets for himself and knows will achieve them too.He doesnot like slowing down,for he really loves life and is bored by any reduction in pace.Business class is always not the best way of flying and who else other than Arvind knows that better.He has tried every other way to fly. Prapti,a complete package of right attitude.She is a friend who loves passionately and hates avengefully.She is like the calm before the storm.She will sweep you off your feet when you think life is drab.Just taking a half day off to cook and cheer her friends is what Prapti exactly is.Unexpected is always that can be expected from her.She taught me to keep my closet organized the same way I learnt to try new avenues in life from her.Prapti is so meticulous about every detail of her work and is same way passionate about photography,which she is trying to expertise reading books.She tries all trades and masters them too.In a day she energetically multitasks her job,her french classes,reads Bhagavad Gita,works out,practises her left handwriting,goes for a drive,cooks something delicious,tries developing her photography skills,tries reading something new and yet at 2 in the night she is enthusiastically there to solve our problems.Always on her mind there is something new,either she wants to take up a crash couse or learn some new moves.Whenever she is tired of all this,she wants to go for a holiday. And this couple are the apt examples of pioneer and explorer and they fit into the empty places of each other and forms a perfect team.They are friends who never complain but always compliment and support each other through thick and thin.So who else other than them deserves to be here coz they will together give their best into it.Keep going great guns.


He came,he saw,he conquered.That's what summarizes Arvind and am sure that's how he will survive this too.Best of Luck!!


Well they are always on the go and in high positive attitude, thats what makes them special and an winning competitor. Heres wishing you both all the very best !!!

Thanmayi Dev

Prapti,am always left speechless when it comes to her.She stares at her closet for hours and gets her new ideas.Amidst a busy day she will inform me,she is getting her tickets booked coz she is travelling the next day.Travel is something she lives for.It can be a luxury holiday at Madrid or a rough trip in forests of Karnataka or she might be exploring architectural pieces.Prapti is feminine and graceful yet she can even push a car if it stops working.She can risk anything to do what she wants to do,which we might take days even to decide whether to do or not.The funniest part is she has a world of her own where she makes her own fairy tales.She feeds the stray dog below our apartment because she feels it guards her whenever she waiting for her office cab at wee hours.She lives every piece of her life with a magical touch and I believe she has that magic in her to make it through.

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