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Amarnath Prabhakar & Durga Amarnath

Total Vote(s) : 4 | Total Testimonial(s) : 0

We are Amar and Durga from Chennai, I have been an adventure seeker right up till our marriage and from then my daily dose of adrenalin had come down. Planning to revive the adventurer in me and to give the dose of adventure to my beloved. Treat her with my world's pleasures. I have an inclination towards machines be it on two wheels or four wheels.

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Our Travel Plan

Since we are from Chennai, the starting point will be Chennai, Chennai - Ooty, Ooty to Mudumalai, Mudumalai to Mysore, Mysore to Coorg, Coorg to Managlore, Mangalore to Goa, Goa to Pune, Pune to Mahabaleshwar, Mahabaleshwar to Bangalore, Bangalore to Chennai

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People who voted for us

George Mathews

17th July 2009

Narayanan M K

17th July 2009


14th July 2009


14th July 2009



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