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Total Vote(s) : 5 | Total Testimonial(s) : 1

Hiii. This is Amit & Priyanka Mathur from Ghaziabad. I am a banking professional wheras my wife Priyanka is a Teacher by profession. We love Music, Dance & lots of traveling.

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We are the best candidates because...

We are quite adventrous and loves to travel on hills, by seas and river sides. Long and magnificent rides. Driving is our passion. The best part is that we both have passion for Driving.............VVVrrrooooooommmmmmmmmmm..


Our Travel Plan

We have planned to Drive from Mumbai to Goa and back to Mumbai... The route will be Zigzag starting from Navi Mumbai.............


Our Travelogue

Our recent adventrous trip was to GOA via and around the Beaches.... The ups and downs on roads in Goa - Mumbai was very attractive and drove us crazy. The previous fun and joyous trips include.... Indore - Shirdi - Nashik - Triyambakeshwar - Delhi Mussorie - Rishikesh - Haridwar - Delhi Allahabad - Kanpur - New delhi



People who voted for us


16th July 2009

jitendra Kumar singh

16th July 2009


16th July 2009

puneet verma

16th July 2009


14th July 2009



Shubham Mathur

First of all, wish u best of luck for this challenge, I'm sure u both r gonna Rock it. This couple is filled with Great enthusiasm & confidence. The both r at their own best when they r together. They r a very fun filled couple always ready for different thing. They r perfectly suited for this competition. :) W'll be looking forward for u u both to this competition. Best of Luck! Cheers!

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