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K. Narayanasamy & Nandita Narayanasamy

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This is Narayan and Nandita, I head a genome center in New Delhi, Nandita teaches in a college in Delhi. We have been married for 18 years and known eachother for over 20 years. We have two kids Neeraja 15 and Nishant 12. As a family we enjoy driving out.

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We are the best candidates because...

We have been regularly driving across India. Our longest trip was 7100 KM across India it took us 21 days. Driven to several places in in the himalayas, down south, to the west including Rajasthan. Our record shows that both of us are safe drivers


Our Travel Plan

One place we have not been is the North east, would like to drive up to Gangtok in Sikkim


Our Travelogue

Delhi-Ahmedabad-Kolhapur-Bangalore-Coimbatore-Tanjavoor-Pondicherry-Chennai-Visakapatnam-Koraput-Bandhavgarh-Delhi Delhi-Allahabad-Ranchi-Manoharpur-Bollani-Rourkela-Panna-Delhi to name a few the second one was really an adventure through real backward but pristine areas in India. I have travelled and driven abroad but Nandita has not.



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