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N V Suresh & Shanthi Suresh

Total Vote(s) : 1 | Total Testimonial(s) : 1

I am Suresh , a go-getter, having leadership quality , an optimist with a magnetic personality , Shanthi my wife is a teacher with great talent in the field of choreography, since past 15 years there is atleast one dance prorgam on national integration / folk song in the school annual day prorgam. Both of us love travelling , to visit new places of historical, cultural and scenic interests. Love charity and both of us are involved in free teaching , sponsoring and adoption thru NGO's . Have a son who is currently pursuing BCA.

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We are the best candidates because...

We are the most apt candidate because we love travelleing and let me tell you friends we have been travelling since past 18 years by a 4 wheeler all around India and when going abroad also we take the public transport so that we can study and enjoy the scene , culture, understand people, language and social structures. Within India , we love to move into Jungles study the birds, insects, plants, trees and if lucky wild animals also. Also study the culture of India as it is in the rural area .


Our Travel Plan

My dream has been to go to Germany and Singapore by road . I need sponsors for the same as i am from aupper middle class family and would not be able afford such a travel. I have a Tata Estate and a Tata Sierra, probably i would take Tata Estate as it is more of a Sedan and in absence of a hotel to stay , car can be used for staying at night. I basically need the sponsor for the Fuel and maintenance . As regards to boarding and Lodging i would request 50% sponsorship only. Being pure vege, i would be carrying all the food materials and cooking self during the entire trip. Both of us are lovers of nature and travelling is in our blood. We are eagerly awaiting to move once we have the sponsor.


Our Travelogue

As we have been travelling for the past 18 years by car all over India, every trip has been a memeorable ones, India being a vast country, once we leave the Urban area the population seems to be more humane and show a great level of hospitality. Move in into a house or a hut , any part of the day be it day / afternoon or night , the residents welcome you and offer water as soon as you enter, enquire what did you have and offer tea or coffee . Subseqeuntly they do not hesitate to offer lunch , dinner / snacks as desired and all this is done without any expectations. That is the most adorable part. This we have seen all along once we touch the rural sector, as we near urban area the scene changes and we are back to commercial dealings . Regards to visits abroad, i had been to Germany , Singapore , Thailand- out of all these places , the best place i liked which was more culturally strong was Germany. Strong family ties , Very good mannerism , Politeness , Hospitality was better in Germany. Other places i found more commercialisation.



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14th July 2009




Well, I don't know any of the two personally but I think it's really cool to try something out of the line which I am sure becomes more difficult the older one get. Hey, and wouldn't it be really nice to have a mix of age groups and not only 20 teams?

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