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Antony Bharati & Vaanti Antony

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Myself & Vasanti bonded our souls together 23 years ago. All these years she had turned my life into a living paradise. She is the only one whom I could count on now and forever more.

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We are the best candidates because...

We daringly demand being the best candidates for the driving challenge because with her as my co-passenger, I can even travel the world in less than 80 days. There hasn't been a single moment I've traveled anywhere without her. She carries the lucky charm.


Our Travel Plan

We plan on starting our great driving challenge from Madurai. Intend to head over to Coimbatore. Return back through Trichy & get back on our route to Madurai.


Our Travelogue

We'd been sharing harmony covering almost the entire on India. Gujarat & Maharashtra add to the latest travel experience. We have scheduled to celebrate the New Year 2010 with our family in Europe.



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