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Aparna Sharma & Amit Sisodia

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Hi, This is Aparna and Amit, just got married. Both are from the same industry but in different companies, deals with overseas clients. Amit looks after home improvement part and I fashion Accessories. We always try to do something new to add up more spice in the life and even provoke others to do so. We both feel lucky as our tastes are same, participating here as we are passionate for driving and love to go on long drives and specially off track driving as we believe to make our own path.

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We are the best candidates because...

We have enthuThough we have not covered much of India but have started exploring it, so far have been to Kashmir, Goa, Uttranchal and planning to go to Ladakh by Road through SUV.


Our Travel Plan

Would like to cover hills, best would be if go to Ladakh by via Manali Kashmir as through this root one can cover beautiful sight seeing and will face different kind of problems as well which one has to solve himself.


Our Travelogue

So far we have been to Kashmir, Goa and Uttranchal, planning to to go Ladakh soon by SUV so can explore everything from Delhi to Ladakh.



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