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Aayush Goenka & Rishita Bhagat

Total Vote(s) : 13 | Total Testimonial(s) : 1

Hi! We are Aayush Goenka & Rishita Bhagat. I have my own Business and Rishita is working with Economic Times. We are passionate about anything and everything which has atleast a bit of rosk of losing something in it. That makes us more focussed on Winning.

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We are the best candidates because...

We are the best because we love adventure. When we are in the car, nobody can stop or beat us. I can Burn the road and have done it several times. We Love to do mad stuffs like stunts, Race, Mountain Trekking. But most of all We love to do stunts with my Super Car. (My Car)


Our Travel Plan

Our plan for the Great Driving Challenge is only ONE-- TO WIN. We dont know and we dont want to know anything else.


Our Travelogue

We both Don't have fear when we are in the car, there is no limit to the speed and we both love it. We have never been abroad, but in Mumbai, on the roads, I surely can beat the hell out of people... We are ready to take any challenge which comes to us in any form at any time and with any difficulty.



People who voted for us


17th July 2009

Tina Suru

16th July 2009

Ramesh Bhagat

16th July 2009

Kartik Bhagat

16th July 2009

Jacqueline D'mello

16th July 2009

Jacqueline Gonsalves

16th July 2009

Deepa Patel

15th July 2009

Suresh Goenka

15th July 2009

Rishita Bhagat

14th July 2009

Afrin Shaikh

13th July 2009


13th July 2009


13th July 2009

Anand Goenka

13th July 2009




Hi Aayush. I hope u remember me. Jus wanna say u give ur best shot n success will b urs... Looking fwd 4 ur success. All the very best.

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