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Cdr Gour Kishore Kundu & Sukhvinder Kundu

Total Vote(s) : 41 | Total Testimonial(s) : 6

Hello, Namaste, Sat Sri Akal, Adaab to all. Sukhvinder, aka Sukhi (Happy), my only wife and me, Kishore are from "MUMBAI" the great and fast city of today. Sukhi is from Khalsa College and me, from SIES. Even though we are from mumbai, we met in "God's Own Country", Kochi in the year of Lord 1987 on 23 Dec. I still remember the date as that was the day when I first met her and given a ride on my new YEZDI bike (one day old). She had come there to play hockey, representing mumbai and we were young bachelors looking for young birds. I am a Bengali and she is a Sikhni (Grewal family). To cut the story short, finally we got married in court (chup chup ke), in Gurudwara and bengali style after a lot of......... you can guess what. By the way, we will be celebrating our 20th anniverssary on 20 Nov (the famous 20/20). So you see the bond is very strong is still going great guns. That was history and will be narrated in details on a suitable occassion. Lets come to the present. I am a retired naval aviator and an enthu flier having clogged 3000 hrs of military flying including piloting the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), the so called "drones", famous for creating havoc in the neighbouring country. Presently with a company as AGM for UAV division. Sukhi, my loving partner, is a home maker and a style coordinator. She has been a national Hockey player in her hay days and presently a keen Golfer. We are both sport lovers. She also goes places to collect specially designed garments and materials for selected lot of customers in Mumbai as well as Kochi. We are animal lovers as well. We have also sponsered a girl child in Kottayam for her education. It will be our pleasure if we get a opportunity to participate in the challenge. My best wishes for all the participants, happy and safe driving. God Bless.

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We are the best candidates because...

We are the best candidates because "We can be the best 'AMBASSADORS" for Hindustan Motors Limited (HML), the makers of the great car, AMBASSADOR' for Mitsubishi". Driving and visiting places is our passion and like to meet multilingual people, know about their culture and capture the moments of truth.


Our Travel Plan

"The Mitsubishi Great Driving Challenge Plan" drawn by Sukhi and me is 'The Peninsular Route' covering the beaches, forest, wildlife, hills and the plains. We plan to start from Mumbai on 06 Aug 09 at 1000 hrs and reach Ratnagiri at 1700 hrs. Overnight halt at Ratnagiri. Start from Ratnagiri at 0800 hrs on 07 Aug 09 and reach the Goan paradise at 1700 hrs. Overnight halt at Goa. Commence from Goa on 08 Aug 09 at 0800 hrs and reach Kozhikode at 1700 hrs. Overnight halt at Kozikode. Commence drive from Kozikode at 0800 hrs on 09 Aug 09 and reach God's Own Country, Kochi at 1700 hrs. Overnight halt at Kochi. Start from Kochi at 0800 hrs on 10 Aug 09 and reach Ooty, "THE HILL STATION", at 1700 hrs. Overnight halt at Ooty. Commence from Ooty at 0800 hrs on 11 Aug 09 and reach Mysore, the city of palaces, at 1700 hrs. Overnight halt at Mysore. Start from Mysore at 0800 hrs on 12 Aug 09 and reach Bangalore, the IT city and the city of gardens, at 1700 hrs. Overnight halt at Bangalore. Commence drive from Bangalore at 0800 on 13 Aug 09 and reach Chitradurga at 1700 hrs. Overnight halt at Chitrdurga. Start from Chitradurga at 0800 hrs on 14 Aug 09 and reach Hubli at 1700 hrs. Overnight halt at Hubli. Commence drive from Hubli at 0800 hrs on 15 Aug 09 and reach Kolhapur at 1700 hrs. Overnight halt at Kolhapur. Start from Kolhapur at 0800 hrs on 16 Aug 09 and reach Pune at 1700 hrs. Overnight halt at Pune. Commence drive from Pune for the last leg of the journey at 0700 hrs on 17 Aug 09 and reach the final destination, Mumbai at 1000 hrs on 17 Aug 09. The total distance covered will be approx. 3500 kms at an average speed of 40 km/hr and a drive of max 350 km in a day with a halt for 01 hr for lunch and nature's calls. This route will cover the states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamilnadu.

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Our Travelogue

During our last posting at Kochi, me and Sukhi had the opportunity of travelling to various places. I will narrate a few of our experiences. In 2002, we visited Simla and Manali all the way from Kochi. It was a great experience as we had a peek at the snow covered peaks. The bus ride to Manikaran was horrifying as we on the edge of the seats through out. We also experienced snow fall at Simla. The next trip was to Darjeeling and Gangtok. The best part of Gangtok was the ride to Nathula Pass, the silk route border of indo-china. we had the previledge of shaking hands with the jawans of India and China. "HATS OFF" to the jawans who protect our borders day in and day out in that weather. When we reached the top, near the border, the weather started playing havoc and we were asked to rush down ASAP. But fortunately the weather Gods were good to us and we continued with our viewing and enjoying the snow covered land. We were at the top of the world (14700 ft) in literal sense. It was amazing to see the beautifull scenic surroundings. That was one experience you have to actually go through to bilieve it. We also had an opportunity to go seawards to the Lakshadweep Islands. The voyage by "Tipu Sultan" is worth mentioning. We were on board for three days as we had to disembark on the southern most island of the group called the Minicoy Islands. This island was initially possessed by the maldivians. Wayback in time it was given to india as a gift. Minicoy has the largest natural lagoon in the world. The ship had to disembark us outside the lagoon. I must tell you, the fishing boat (the only mode of transportation) ride to the island was hell of a journey of 45 minuites, getting tossed all over in the open ocean. We kept our fingers crossed, all the way praying for the quick and safe journey to the shore. Once we were in the lagoon, it was a smooth ride. We had the opportunity to see the amazing underwater world with various types and colours of fishes. The only sad part was that the recent tsunami had spoilt the beautiful corals beneath. We also visited the lighthouse which is the oldest one in this part of the continent. We also met the aboriginals of the island and visited the biggest tuna fish tinning factory. I was amazed to see the only car and no dogs 'at all'. The trip was an excellent opportunity to relax from maddening city crowd. The return was not that eventfull as we had a ship direct to kochi. In another occassion, I was given the responsibilty to take the children of naval community for an adventure camp to munnar. They were exposed to rock climbing and trekking. Sukhi also accompanied me as she was guardian for the girls. In fact sukhi has been accompanying me for all the trips either done by own vehicle or other means. She is also a good driver. But most of the time I do the driving and she is the navigator. We have travelled to Ooty six times during our stay in kochi. In one of our such trips to kodaikannal, we had to pass through the ghats of Idukki. We encountered around 25 hair pin bends, but fortunately none of felt sick. We also encountered some wild boars and elephants. To list down a few road trips, we have performed Kochi-Trivandrum-Kanyakumari-Kochi, Kochi-Coimbatore-Ooty-Kochi, Kochi-Kodaikanal-Kochi, Kochi-Munnar-Kochi, Kochi-Mumbai-Kochi, Mumbai-Delhi-Ludhiana-Mumbai. I also had the previledge of being the only naval representative for the World Military Games car rally from Trivandrum to Hyderabad and back. We were a contingent of 12 cars from navy, army and airforce moving in coordination and perfect timing, spreading the message of the Games. The response from the local crowds from different villages of andhrapradesh was overwhelming. And finally, not to forget the forthecoming Mitsubishi Great Driving Challenge. It wiil be another opportunity for me to discover those parts of south india where I have not been able to. I wish all the participants the very best , happy and safe driving.



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Cdr Vijay Kumar

Great personality with positive approach and have strong urge to meet set goals and reach great heights

Atul Bhatia

A wonderful couple ideally suited to take on this challenge. Two outgoing, fun-loving people together in a car for 3000 kms - what could be better!


Hi Sir, Have a GREAT Trip,hope you would be driving the vehicle UNMANNED !!! :-) WISH U ALL THE BEST

Harvinder Kaur

They are the most lively and happening couple around us they are always full of enthusiam and i hope that if they are selected for this driving challenge with their consistent zeal they will surely be the winners. My full support and best of luck to them

Captain Ajay Agrawal

Kishore and Sukhi form a formidable team and compliment each other. While Sukhi is a bundle of energy and enthusiasm, Kishore is cool like a cucumber. They both possess excellent combination of grit, courage, determination and that burning desire to excel in any adventure. In short, they will 'ROCK' it.


the best for this challenge!!!!u rock!!!

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