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Abhishek Das & Swagata Ghosh

Total Vote(s) : 14 | Total Testimonial(s) : 0

We are here to burn the roads. I am an Mech Engg working with a German MNC and Swagata works an an executive in a US HR Firm. The only thing that clicks with us are long drives on hot wheels. We always craved for that time when we could hit the roads burn the tyres. I am very passionate about cars and the favorite would be Eclipse for Mitsubishi make We are here to take up the wonderful n exciting challenge as we going to give some tough drags n drifts to the others.

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We are the best candidates because...

We are the best candidates cause we have a bit of experience of driving through the countryside of Bengal ... from Kolkata to Digha , thats not much of an experience but then the talent is untapped and hence unleashed.


Our Travel Plan

As off now, considering the fact the the "Challege" is supposed to originate from Mumbai, we intend to start from Mumbai. Travel through my all time favaorite expressway to Pune. From pune we intend to travel to Karnataka via Sholapur to Hubli. From Hubli we head straight to Banglore and return back to Mumbai with little modifications on the return trip. Considering the Monsoons to run till then, it is goin to be a very exciting and adventurous trip.

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Our Travelogue

We have loads of unforgettable driving experiences in India. The route from Delhi to Baroda via Jaipur during the winter of Dec,2006 was the most memorable. Hadnt she been there with me, it wouldnt had been so memeorable. Low temperatures, dense fog redering practical zero visibility really made the journey the most memorable amongst all others. Above all the most memorable part was Swagata was responsible for taking charge whenever the tyres burst out. Apart from that we have had a lot of short and fast trips of approximately 400 km between cities, Mumbai - Pune and Bangalore-Mangalore amongst the most common. But we would love to travel a long route along the North East Range till Leh with the journey orininating from Kolkata. Well, if we win the championship we would make this trip happen on our favourite 4WD, the Mitshubishi Outlander.



People who voted for us

Indranil Bose

17th July 2009


17th July 2009


17th July 2009

Abhishek Paul

17th July 2009

Mehul Somaiya

17th July 2009


17th July 2009


17th July 2009

siddhartha mondal

17th July 2009


17th July 2009


17th July 2009

kasturi bhattacharjee

17th July 2009

saurabh anand

17th July 2009

Truptesh Chokshi

17th July 2009

swagata ghosh

17th July 2009



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