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rajat ryan & Zasha Maria Mogul

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I am Rajat Ryan 25 from bombay & my partner in crime is 'Zasha Maria Mogul' 22...phewww (rest my fingers) from Bombay as well. I am a dj/music producer/farmer , i get to travel a lot over India because of my varied professional calling. Zasha is an air hostess with a Charter airline, hence she gets to travel a lot too. More than me. We have a lot in common , we both love traveling, reading, music, sports, indulging in food, music all the regular stuff and now would like to be a part of ' The Great Driving Challange'.

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We are the best candidates because...

There is little about me that I am ashamed to admit because, I, by my very nature, am shameless and the person who I would want to put with me in the hot seat would be none other than my girl friend of 1 year ZASHA MARIA MOGUL. I know what you are thinking ' that if we would last as long as her name is'. WE WILL!! Now that i have burst the bubble, on with the important stuff....we are the best candidates because, she is the more serious, caring, intelligent, helpful person. Me on the other hand well i am the complete opposite intelligent, serious, helpful etc etc. I notice the funny side of life where ever i go, whom so ever i meet blah blah. And yeah we do love to travel, lol.


Our Travel Plan

'The journey of a thousand miles begins with a broken fan belt and a leaky tire..'unknown'. We would like our first extensive road trip out of our home town a super adventurous, fun, exiting, informative and learning experience. We plan to experiance the malabar drive, goa's beaches, karnataka's weather, kerala's backwaters, tamil nadu's temples, great food, people culture, wildlife. According to us this is the best stretch to experience India's biodiversity and culture.


Our Travelogue

Twice on our way to pune I had a flat tire, both on the side she was sitting on. The third time I had the brains to make her sit in the middle rear seat, lo n behold we reached without any punctures or leaks. ‘Minus the silencer and the leaked spare tire in the boot’. Dam those pastas n pizzas. Other than that we haven't really traveled together extensively just local trips, because of our professional commitments. But i have traveled extensively all over India barring a few southern states. I got to travel alot thanks to my dad who's in the army. Travel for me is having a great time, immersing myself into whatever happens, which normally includes great food, culture, meeting local people , surviving suicidal taxi walla's, sitting on farting camels, surviving death threats from locals, having my shoes stolen outside temples etc. My latest trip to orissa was a culmination of all things mentioned above except the farting camels, which were replaced by farting people. The trek into tribal heartland of dhenkanal, the dive into a bush at the sound of a gunshot (also a naxal playground) only to find my self stung by monster rock bee’s. My local friend Gaya Ram found this amusing until of course a bee stung him on his already big nose. I am sure the state police will have a new job for him, now that he is armed with a brand new 'SNIFFER'. Well "thats all folks"



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