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Atula Gupta & Arijit Gupta

Total Vote(s) : 29 | Total Testimonial(s) : 4

We are Atula and Arijit Gupta from Ahmedabad,Gujarat. Arijit is in the Hotel industry while I am a freelance writer. We both love to travel and if we could we would be on the roads 365 days in a year!

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We are the best candidates because...

- We are a combination of an avid traveler and an avid writer, something that makes us well suited for the great driving challenge. - We see travelling as not just an escape from the mundane but as a life changing experience with every journey bringing us up close and personal with a different hue of this vibrant, colorful country. -From the serpentine paths of the Sahyadris to the glowing sand dunes of Rajasthan, from the decidious jungles of Sasan Gir to the enchanting beaches of Goa, there have been few places in Western India which we have not visited and been mesmerised with.


Our Travel Plan

THE PLAN - From Magnificent Maharashtra via glorious Gujarat to Royal Rajasthan and back. THE ROUTE - Mumbai-Baroda-Udaipur-Jodhpur-Bikaner-Jaipur-Ajmer-Udaipur-Baroda-Mumbai

Blog Blog

Our Travelogue

Perhaps no other country in this world gives a traveler such limiles travel options like India where even a lifetime seems miniscule. The landscape, culture, language, dressing even food changes within a few miles and like the multicolored beads of a necklace, they all are bound together. Each with its uniqueness but forming one India. For us, some travels in this vibrant country, have been planned but most predestined when the career path has wonderfully helped us see many amazing places enroute. Jodhpur, Mumbai, Agra, Jaipur, Aurangabad, Pune, Ahmedabad, Indore are some of the places where we have not only visited as a tourist but lived a part of our lives and thus explored the area in and around. Here are quick links to places we have seen and explored... 1. 3 March 2009, Sasan Gir National Park, the last bastion of the Asiatic Lion. To know mor about the jungle tale and catch some junglee pics too....please visit, 2. March 2005, Karnala bird Santuary. We and our brand new Kinetic go for a long drive.



People who voted for us

Vijay Kumar M.

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I have known Atula and Arijit for the past one year and what I find amazing about them is the way they both get so excited talking about their many outdoor adventures. With a cup of coffee and a new story to tell each time, this is one couple who I think can make even a simple visit to the nearby temple or park, an exciting fun filled adventure. I think no one else deserves this experience more than they do.


These two had driven down from Jaipur to Aurangabad a 3 day journey, with a three month old Infant in their lap! What more can I say about them. As Arijit says, %u2018mera beta to haath mein steering wheel lekar hi paida hua hai%u2019%u2026.I think, his father would say the same thing about Arijit who can go for a long drive in the middle of the night too! Good luck to you two, with Atula%u2019s writing and Arijit%u2019s driving, I know this is going to be an interesting story we would all want to here for a long time to come.


Arijit and Atula both have travelled a lot by road. They are keen observers and take interest in photography. Atula had been a copywriter in an advertizing agency and is still writing on variety of topics for various journals and sites. Both are very creative and imaginative.


Atula and Arijit make an ideal pair for a contest like this. Arijit is an experienced and cool driver with ability to handle the challanges of the Indian roads. Atula with her ability to convert her travel experience into an interesting reading becomes a perfect partner. Knowing of her experience of being a copywriter and of writing on a number of different topics I am sure she will give you the best report.

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