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Darryl Jude Dick & Neena

Total Vote(s) : 33 | Total Testimonial(s) : 4

Hi, My partners name is Neena & my name is Darryl. As you can see from our pictures in our profile, we are both adventurous and outgoing, we travel a lot across India by road, rail & air to fulfil our desire to see new places and meet new people. Kindly vote for us so that we can be part of the of the cross country rally team, which is sponsored by Mitsubishi. We thank you for your votes and best wishes. With kind regards, Neena & Darryl

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We are the best candidates because...

We are outgoing and very sporty. Drive up all the way and enjoy every bit of the action, we are dare devils, will push the car to the limits to the edge of the envelope.


Our Travel Plan

We intend to do the whole circuit within the time frame given and come out to be winners. Since we are very adventurous in nature and complement and support each other well, by the grace of god we will come out to be winners. To add to this, since I am a pro at automobile, I am sure if any problems come up in the car during the rally, I would be in a position to identify the problem and probably rectify the error to the best of my ability and all this is without any formal training. All the other goodies would come by like the night parties which we would enjoy a lot during our stop over points, like barbeque, singing and dancing along with everyone around the bonfire


Our Travelogue

Once we were up the hill to Shimla in our Tata Safari Petrol version SUV that we have, the day was Dusherra, we stopped just short of Shimla to top up the tank with petrol at an Indian oil pump. So I just asked the guy to top it with Extra Premium and shut of the engine, after he filled up the gasoline, he presented me the bill which seamed very less, so I asked him what did he fill Diesel or Petrol, his response was that he filled diesel, I reminded him that when I entered I asked for Extra Premium and you directed me to this nozzle and gone and filled it up with Diesel, he apologised saying that he has never seen a Tata safari petrol version car and filled it with diesel, so he offered to replace the fuel in the tank, now since it was Dusshera there were no mechanics available, with great difficulty with the cliff on one side, I got them to push the car to the side with no power steering or breaks and moved it to the side because the engine was off, then opened the nut below the tank and drained all the fuel and then tanked up with petrol and drive off to Shimla.



People who voted for us

Singh Anand

17th July 2009

Parvinder Singh Anand

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Ruby Yadav

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17th July 2009

vibhuti singh

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anant chauhan

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Gita Sharma

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stephanie ellis

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Sushma Singh

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Priti Malhotra

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Lucy Lotha

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Monica Khanna

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Marina Sharma

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Steven Dsouza

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Manish Sharma

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Veera Mavalwala

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Kanchan Vaidya

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Manisha Pande

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15th July 2009

Jatin Batra

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Binod Pattanaik

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chandra lodha

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Harish Verma

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sujatha Dsouza

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jay & sarita

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Dharmender Rana

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Dinesh Nair

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Rita Purohit

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Vasudha Arora

A very rocking couple. Best of luck to Neena & Darryl

Vasudha Arora

A very rocking couple. Best of luck to Neena & Darryl

Ruchi Khanna

They are not only rocking, but a very daring couple who can just step on the gas and hit the highway in the night without a map or direction because there SUV is loaded 24x7 ready to hit the highway. Best wishes to you my friends

Marina Sharma

Hey, you both are already winners! Great going guys... wish you the best.

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