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Kawaljeet singh & sakshi mehta

Total Vote(s) : 3 | Total Testimonial(s) : 0

we are kawaljeet and sakshi iam with my relatives in our family buisness and by fiance is pursuing her MBA, well i have the passion of driving on long routes and iam very much knowledgable of navigating ways , and sakshihas a hobby of adventure sports and photography and also to write blogs , she is very supportive towardsme and my passion, we both love challenges and always look forward to acheive them with winning peoples mind and hearts, so we are here for the same.

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We are the best candidates because...

we are the best canidates for this challenge because the curry of our relationship with our passions match each other , becaxuse the passion of me in driving and navigating, and her for photography and nature , and even she is interested in writing blogs too.


Our Travel Plan

Well we plan to move towards north by taking the best route covering central , west central india , North east and while returning western india , why this because all these route are made up of simple and hard driving along with covering nature and adventure togeather which will help us to complete our task and get more people to know india at its best covering in less time

Blog Blog

Our Travelogue

well i have travelled a lot because of my passion bt its her first time with me she had gone to some places in central and western india bt its our first time togeather to understand india .



People who voted for us


13th July 2009

Sakshi Mehta

13th July 2009

sunila gill

12th July 2009



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