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Mehar Bhagat & Manav Bhagat

Total Vote(s) : 18 | Total Testimonial(s) : 1

Mehar and her younger Bro Manav from New Delhi. we guys starting driving since early childhood at the age around 11-12 years old, so we share a great passion towards Driving. My bro is currently doing his law from mumbai where as I'm Professional Trainer and also is into business. He has passion for photography and i am into blogging.... and somewhat networking!

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We are the best candidates because...

we both are into traveling and love adventure.. we enjoy exploring places and that's where the fun begins! we are looking forward to this driving challenge because it includes our passion for driving and includes adventure. we guys are smart enough to make out routes though everything that comes between... !!


Our Travel Plan

well.. its simple route.. but we have no plans to go straight so...with us pre-planned plans would not work ..!


Our Travelogue

Jammu, Jaipur, Mumbai , Pune, Delhi, Kashmir, Punjab , Chandigarh, Chattisghar, jalandhar, Mountabu, dalhousie... fwe more.. Mehar - best Road trip was in delhi to jaipur with a close friend of mine for celebration her birthday Manav - best trip was from mumbai to pune with couple of good friends.



People who voted for us

arana prasad

12th July 2009


12th July 2009

Abhishek GUha

12th July 2009

Unmol Jain

12th July 2009

Ankur Jain

11th July 2009


11th July 2009

Hans Anneveld

11th July 2009

Rinoo Rajesh

11th July 2009

sushma kamini

11th July 2009

Sanjeev Yadav

11th July 2009


11th July 2009


11th July 2009

Sanjay Bose

11th July 2009

Namratpal singh basra (nammy)

11th July 2009

Chandresh Dhebar

11th July 2009


11th July 2009

Varun Kumar

11th July 2009

Rajesh Thakkar

11th July 2009



Chandresh Dhebar

Meher is a great person and professional. She is great at her expertise domain of human resources, and mentally tough lady. It is indeed a pleasure to be her friend and her fan. My very best wishes...Meher.

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