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Nagraj Krishnamurty & Prachi Nagraj

Total Vote(s) : 7 | Total Testimonial(s) : 4

We are Nagraj and Prachi. We are both avid travelers and adventure enthusiasts. We love adventure and nature in its entirety. We are always on look out for an opportunity to travel and explore the world. And the moment we saw this great initiative, we pounced on it like hungry tigers:). Though we got to know about this one day before the last day and that too at 8 pm., we still went all out to make it to this challenge. By profession I'm a Business Consultant working for a software company. My wife, Prachi, is a home maker. She was a teacher earlier. We have been traveling together extensively for the past 3 years to various places. Be it religious places, historical monuments, beaches, hills, forests, countryside, we are on this continuous exploration of this beautiful world. Most of the times we have either traveled by our own car/bike. Most of them are unplanned ones, filled with adventure and surprises (from the most accessible parts to the least ones). We enjoy all the experiences that travel brings to us. It has truly enriched our lives and given a meaning to our lives. This challenge is a novel idea (not meant for race but for travel experience). Kudos to the GDC team!!

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We are the best candidates because...

Travel, photography and interaction with people comes naturally to us. So it's effortless even if it seems like involving effort. We enjoy them thoroughly from all aspects. When I drive, Prachi is busy reading the map, clicking photos, and navigating. When we reach a place, we dump our bags and walk around the place. We dont get confined anywhere. So expect lots n lots of action, stories from us if we are one of those lucky 3. Though we have not written any blogs till now, we would like to start with this challenge. Believe me, we are a crazy lot. It's not unusual for us to do something like wake up at 5 in the morning, walk a 3 km stretch from Gokarna beach to Om beach. We are ever ready to travel and enjoy every place we travel to. We see uniqueness and beauty in every place, love the people and the interaction with them. We respect the locals, their cultures and enrich them with our experiences and get enriched from them. We share this to the wider world. We enjoy the diversity in this country. We complement each other perfectly. We can sacrifice personal needs to ensure we don't miss the adventure of travel. And the beauty is that we don't feel it's a sacrifice. We explore the places wherever we go-be it the remotest of the places. Be it night or early morning, our tyrst with nature goes on. This way our experience is more richer. Our way of relaxation during traveling is 'traveling, trekking, intercation with locals and photography' We go with the flow. We live in the moments. We don't spoil our moments for milestones/planning. We don't get negatively affected by the 'so called' problems travel throws on us- like punctured tyre, lack of sleep, lack of food, lack of accommodation, bad roads, 'misguides' etc. We take them in our stride and still enjoy the travel. This helps in broadening and deepening our experience. We got to know about this challenge one day before the last day at 8 p.m. but we didn't lose a second to apply. We managed to get 1 vote & testimonial by waking up my old friend Mangesh at 11:30 p.m. but I'm sure that this will not be a handicap for our resolve and we will garner support. Because we believe that votes alone will not take us into the top 3 but our travel experiences, the photographs we have captured, our passion, teamwork, uniqueness and our attitude will take us into the top 3. We are the best because we believe we are.


Our Travel Plan

We want to travel through the western coast. We always wanted to take this route and see this beautiful coast. This route cuts across religious places, hills, beaches, forests, countryside, all types of roads through five wonderful states-Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamilnadu. This will be a complete travel experience to our mind encompassing all the aspects of travel. The route that we would like to take is Mumbai-Goa-Mangalore-Kozhikode-Palghat-Coimbatore-Coonor-Ooty-Wayanad-Mysore-Bangalore-Mumbai (NH4)

Blog Blog

Our Travelogue

We have been fortunate to visit so many interesting places in our beautiful country. Our travel experiences have led us to some wonderful people who have helped us and guided us throughout our journey. We pay our tribute to these people who make our travel a fulfilling and an enjoyable one. It has expanded our hearts, minds and souls to embrace the diversity in the world and connect with people. Before I met Prachi, one of the very interesting 'bike ride' was from Bangalore to Ooty. I and two of my friends (Mangesh and Sohail) in Bangalore on the spur of the moment decided to go to Ooty on an extended weekend. On Friday morning (Dasara holiday) I took RX from my brother in law and my friends managed another bike after a lot of search for the whole day. We left Bangalore at 7 p.m. This was one of the most unplanned trips we have made. We reached Mysore by 11 p.m. How would we get any accommodation during Dasara? So we decided to carry on further. We had dinner at a Dhaba on the way. When we reached Gundulpet it was 3 a.m. The road to Gundulpet was very bad, it was totally dark and we saw no other vehicles at all. We checked for accommodation at Gundulpet but we didn’t get there either. And we couldn’t proceed further since there is no entry into Bandipur forest (which starts immediately after Gundulpet) before 6.00 am. So we decided to hang on there. By this time, sleep had started to take toll on my friend Mangesh. And we knew that once he crashes, nothing can wake him up. He suggested we go back to Mysore and drop plans of Ooty. We had to do something to beat his sleep. So me and Sohail took him to a nearby tea shop and asked him to have tea. After a dose of tea, we thought it’s better to go for a walk so that he can come out of his sleep. So we went for a walk. When we are returning from our half a Km walk, we saw something very interesting. We saw a bunch of guys on a tree. There was a lot of noise. I happened to see a guy and thought I have met him earlier. When I had a close look at him I was sure that he was one of our college mates in Satara (Maharashtra). I told this to Mangesh but he was not ready to agree. He was like 'what the hell he would be doing here?' I thought of an idea. I knew his name, so I shouted his name 'Mandar' loudly and to our utter surprise there was an immediate response from him. He was the same chap. We were astonished. Mangesh could not believe. What a coincidence travel can throw on you. Who would imagine seeing a college mate on a tree at 4 a.m. in some unrelated area? He climbed down, we had some good chat. These chaps had come to Gundulpet from Bangalore and were on their way to Mudumalai forests. Their bus was at 6 a.m. and they didn’t have anything else to pass their time and they came up with this 'Monkey ' idea. By this time Mangesh had lost his sleep. So there was no looking back. We drove through the dense Bandipur forest clicking the elephants. At Gudulur, we took left and the drive was excellent to Ooty through the beautiful terrain. We reached at 11 a.m. After staying there for a night, we started back for Bangalore at 10 a.m. When we were about to exit the Bandipur forest on our return, we saw a black cheetah 50 meters ahead of us jump across the road. It took us few secs to realize that it was a Cheetah. Probably the roar of our RX helped us:). We reached Bangalore at 9 p.m. It was a fun filled and adventurous trip we had. Other memorable bike rides have been: Chennai-Pondicherry Satara-Mahad-Kolad-Murud Janjeera-Harihareshwar-Kashid-Shivtharghal-Satara Hyderabad-Srisailam Pune-Mumbai Satara-Koyna-Poladpur-Mahableshwar-Satara After we got married, me and Prachi have stayed at various places as part of my job. Whichever places we have stayed (for work or otherwise), we have visited places around that and pounced on the opportunity to travel. When we were in Hyderabad, we have traveled on my Yamaha bike from Hyderabad to Srisailam through the beautiful forests. When we were in Chennai, we have traveled to Chidambaram/Mayavaram/Karaikal to see the beautiful temples and the mangroove forests. When we were in Pune, we have traveled to beautiful forts in Mahableshwar, Raigad, Satara and breathtaking waterfalls at Thoseghar. Now that we are in Bangalore, we have traveled to see the beautiful palace in Mysore, to experience the serene beauty in Coorg, to trek in the gods own country in Wayanad, to walk on the beautiful beaches in Goa, to explore the engrossing Western Karnataka (Varadahalli, Jog Falls, Gokarna, Murudeshwar, Kollur, Udipi, Dharmasthala, Kukke Subramanya, Edugunji), experience the beautiful temples at Belur Halebeedu, witness the architectural wonder at Hampi, to turn with the western ghats in Chikmangalur, to feel the peace at Mantralaya, to walk in the clouds at Skandagiri and many other places. Outside India, we have traveled to Langkawi in Malaysia. We roamed the entire length and breadth of the beautiful Langkawi Island. This island has the best of beaches and best of hills. You can see some of the photographs of these visits on our profile.



People who voted for us


17th July 2009


17th July 2009


17th July 2009

Imtiaz Ahmad Khan

17th July 2009

Sandeep Chaware

17th July 2009


17th July 2009

Mangesh Jadhav

16th July 2009




Nagraj is a old friend and a true travel enthusiast. We have had lot of nostalgic moments in our short and long trips. Be it short trip from Chennai to Pondicherry or longer bag pack ones to Ooty and northern konkan, Nagraj is always upbeat the idea of driving down to unexplored destinations. I am fortunate to have travelled a lot of places with him and I am sure he will come out with flying colors in this driving challenge


Oh this really suits Nagraj and Prachi, knowing their love for Travelling,this is a great oppurtunity for them. I really wish they make it for this trip :)


Guys, read your intro and it sounded very interesting :) ok there's just a few more hours to go and here's a bit of advise "check the rules".... rules say you need to start from mumbai... fix your travel plan ASAP as otherwise it looks like a very good profile.... and votes well votes I don't think count for too much.... give it a shot and hey while at it check out our profile and vote if you feel like it :) its on


Nagraj is a very good friend and colleague of mine. He is always upbeat when it comes to travelling, driving and exploring new places. Be it trying out a new food joint or going to beaches, or exploring old temples, he is always game for it. Always raring to experience new cultures, food or places. This opportunity is tailor made for Nagraj and Prachi and I am pretty confident they will come out winners. All the best,guys!!

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