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Prahlad singh panwar & Brajraj Kunwar Ranawat

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hello....! My Self Prahlad Singh and my partner Brajraj Kunwar Ranawat is my Life partneter we both live together at Sirohi Rajasthan . I am working in cement industry as a senior Officer and my wife left her job and now she is a house wife. we both are intersted to accept challenging job so than paticpate in Great Driving Challenge and accept this challenge......./,

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We are the best candidates because...

we are best because we accept challenge and complete that in given time ,we are belong from rajasthan all know that rajasthan enviromental condition is very challenging for survive ......


Our Travel Plan

my plan is to go on south india my starting point is mumbai n than route is lonawala ,goa maysure,kanyakumari,tirupati,andra,ajanta and alora to mumbai..................................................!


Our Travelogue

we are visited many place of india they are goa, saputara,whole rajasthan,simla,visnodevi,ajanta ,alora, dwarka,somnath,nasik lonawala,khandala himachal likley most of place...........................



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