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Pritesh Jhaveri & Saliemaa Jhaveri

Total Vote(s) : 23 | Total Testimonial(s) : 0

Hi, we are Saliemaa and Pritesh from Mumbai. We met on 4years ago and have been happily married ever since. We have a 2 year old daughter Ohanna. I own an international franchise known as EGL which is into the business of certification of diamonds and diamond jewellery. But my true love and passion is motorsports. My wife is a jewellery and fashion designer over and above being a dedicated mother and wife.

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We are the best candidates because...

We are the best candidates cause we both love taking adventurous road trips and doing it in a Mitsubishi Cedia would be fun cause I know what the car can and cannot do as we own and enjoy one ourselves.


Our Travel Plan

So far we have'nt put down a course as we believe in just driving where ever our hearts take us and lay our tired heads down whenever we need rest. Its more like being gypies, nomads wanderers whatever you may want to call it.


Our Travelogue

We have travelled to NewZealand where we did a 14 day 2500km road trip and have also travelled to HongKong and Bangkok. This is over and above our roadtrips to Goa, Lonavala, Pune etc.



People who voted for us


14th July 2009


14th July 2009

Vinita Maroo

13th July 2009

Kaustubh Gachake

10th July 2009


10th July 2009


10th July 2009


9th July 2009

kiran Parikh

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dilip shah

6th July 2009

Yogesh Sharma

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6th July 2009


6th July 2009


6th July 2009

Feroze Subedar

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kal j

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kaizad engineer

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Swati Sanklecha Phulphagar

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4th July 2009

Sona Vohra

4th July 2009

Santosh Kulkarni

4th July 2009


4th July 2009


4th July 2009

keyur shah

4th July 2009



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