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Rachana Alimchandani & Amit Alimchandani

Total Vote(s) : 30 | Total Testimonial(s) : 3

HE:makes mosquito repellents. SHE: sells wines. HE: was raised in a metro and moved to a small town. SHE: was raised among coal mines & went looking across all metros for him only to find him in the small town. Only if she knew. HE: is a Production Engineer SHE: is, Ohmigod, also an engineer…Finally something in common. HE: meets her at a party & forgets all about her. SHE:dismisses him as “Ameer Pitah ki Bigdi Santaan” OOOPS!! “ HE & SHE finally meet again, after 8 months; this time on a road trip.Thankfully this time they notice each other & promptly fall in love, get married and have been on this journey called life. (Together so far). Amit Alimchandani, is an industrialist based in Nasik & manufactures aerosol products and insect repellents. He loves photography. His favorite subjects are insects (I don’t understand this love-hate thing). I, Rachana Alimchandani, think am an Electrical Engineer (I’m sure I had a B.E.certificate from Bangalore Univ.).Its just that after having worked as a Software Engineer, a Financial advisor, a Banker and finally selling wines, my memory’s kinda fuzzy…. Why are we here? Remember this love story started on a road trip ( go back,read again)…. The journey’s still ON!!!

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We are the best candidates because...

We are great story-tellers. ..I use words to connect the threads of life while Amit fills the gap with his photos. part romantic,part poignant,part spiritual, part wild,part heritage..part life...come join us...i know this would only be a small slice out of life but one which you would not forget in a hurry...If we do get shortlisted, winning would not be that would be the story that we would bring back to you. See India through our lenses(Yes I wear specs)...


Our Travel Plan

Our trail would begin at mumbai, but of course...n we proceed to explore the interiors of M.P., first destination would be the exotic forts of Mandu, then the spiritual destination ,Sanchi, discover the neolithic remains at Bhimbetka, n then the exotic Khajuraho!! Post that we head to Jabalpur via Panna, cover the splendid marble rocks of Bhedaghat n then proceed to hill station Pachmarhi. Pench National Park would be next agenda followed by Nagpur,the great Ajanta Caves of Aurangabad. The high point would be the wine trail in Nasik. n then we are back in Amchi Mumbai.

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Our Travelogue

I wasn't really present to d fact that I actually have travelled a lot... the earliest memories date back to the times when my parents used to take us from Dhanbad,the mine town, to our village in our Ambi...I don't remember much but do remember the 2 lane Grand Trunk Road built by Sher Shah Suri and the jackfruit n mango trees which lined the roads on both sides...NHAI should take some other times our parents would pack us off on summer vacation to our village along with some 10-12 cousins on top of the trucks(d trucks belonged to d family of course n they would follow us in the car). at other times, I rememebr travelling in 2nd class compartments which were so tightly packed with humans, that each person could stand on only one leg at a time( I AM NOT EXAGGERATING)...Then as we grew up our parents turned more adventurous n started taking us out to other destinations...most of them were religious ones but trust d kids to have fun wherever...I've covered almost all of Uttaranchal & U.P., J&K (this was 1989...Srinagar was almost a ghost town...), Sikkim, Darjeeling, Mangalore, Coorg, Karwar, Munnar,Goa,Jaipur… while I did all this,Amit did almost the same destinations...J&K,Uttaranchal...still we missed each other...He held the fort mostly down south...has covered most of Andhra & TN...knows Chennai & Hyderabad like the back of his hand, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Mauritius, Malaysia n Thailand(d way he describes d cuisine... u could almost smell d famous Thailand rice right here) Together, in the 2 years of our marriage, we’ve done parts of Kerala, Dwarka, Badrinath & Kedarnath and road-tripped Mauritius( this was on our honeymoon).



People who voted for us


17th July 2009

lalit dey

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tripti agarwal

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zeenat shaikh

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Janak Sarda

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JV Avadhanulu

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Anurag Jauhari

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Pallavi Singh

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Milind Paradkar

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Mrinalini Sinha

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[email protected]

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Shashidhar Bilgi

15th July 2009


15th July 2009




Rachana and Amit are a testimony to the human spirit that wants to take the scenic route in this journey called life..every once in a while. God of speed: Are you listening...pls make them win !

JV Avadhanulu

Amit and Rachana are our favorite young couple. So lively, full of enthsiasm, love and good will. All the best. Go ahead and win the contest!

Ankur Arora

The girl is the one of the most enthu girls I have known on the face of the earth. Amit is a man of few words and a lot of action. Will be absolutely fun to watch them on road.

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