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Sangam Jaipuriyar & Noopur Jaipuriyar

Total Vote(s) : 2 | Total Testimonial(s) : 1

Noopur and Sangam Jaipuriyar... One leg in Mumbai and the other in Pune... Love driving around but don't get the time... Noopur is an Interior Designer by profession and Sangam is in IT (NOT INCOME TAX)...

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We are the best candidates because...

we desparately need to get away from work and.... this ROAD is the best way out... specially in a Cedia... for that matter any Mitsubishi vehicle


Our Travel Plan

We just love Maharashtra's terrain... you have it all.... mountains, beaches... but definitely not cities.... anywhere in India. We plan to avoid civilization as far as possible but with our population ...???


Our Travelogue

Egypt was our best travel experience with a lot of meaning to every place we travelled to... love history... Apart from Orissa, Rajasthan, MP and North East States, we have travelled all over the country.



People who voted for us


17th July 2009

Yashwant Jadeja

17th July 2009



Yashwant Jadeja

Sangam and Nupur are the right candidates in all aspects. Very dedicated, involved and enthusiastic.

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