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kovid mittal & parinaz eslami

Total Vote(s) : 1 | Total Testimonial(s) : 1

hi everybody kovid and my friend parinaz are in bangalore.i am basically from chandigarh finished my mechanical engineerin and doin modelling now.parinaz is from iran doing bbm...we deserve to be on this challenge as we have the zeal and never say die attitude to go any extent..we are the contenders and love to explore new things.

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We are the best candidates because...

we are the best candidates as we are from different countries full of enthusiasm and the right spirit and attitude. we may have different ways of thinking but have one goal..ADVENTURE


Our Travel Plan

WE LOVE TRAVELLING SO ANY DESTINATION IS WELCOMED, but il prefer mountain terrian due to its difficulties and the beautiful environment around


Our Travelogue

to local destinations like nandi hillls, and few more generally on bikes...



People who voted for us


16th July 2009




I think you deserve for the same. And big reason to vote 'coz Parinaz face familiar with one of good friend but she isn't touch with me now.

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