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lavanya sundaram & ankur madan

Total Vote(s) : 12 | Total Testimonial(s) : 1

we have known each other for a long time...almost ten years... we are great friends... we love to travel... he loves the hills and i love the beaches... so we keep shuffling our trips accordingly :) our last road trip was delhi-manali-leh-srinagar-delhi... it was just amazing :) looking forward to another trip very soon :)

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We are the best candidates because...

we are great drivers and we enjoy each moment like there is no tomorrow ;) i love photography... just captured leh with my new canon slr :) if you want a great combination of adventure and trill... we are it!! :)


Our Travel Plan

just have fun and enjoy to fulliest ;)


Our Travelogue

leh, manali, srinagar, jammu, whole of punjab, whole of rajisthan,mumbai, goa, chennai, bangalore, anadoman, calcutta, haridwar, rishikesh, jim corbett, dharamshala... i m sure i m missing some ;) malyaisia, singapore, tokyo, usa, london, dubai



People who voted for us


17th July 2009

Shilpa Dhar

17th July 2009


16th July 2009


16th July 2009


16th July 2009


16th July 2009

Tewari sr.

16th July 2009


16th July 2009

Anuj Bhargava

15th July 2009


15th July 2009

Abhishek Chuckarbutty

14th July 2009

pratibha ojha

14th July 2009




So, listen up people! Though I would have given my right arm and left leg to be on this trip (apparently, it's too late to apply! daemn!), I have decided to sacrifice my grand intentions and settle for penning down a few words for my favorite couple. I think these guys just have to be one of the top three couples and go on that trip! Why, you ask? Well, to begin with they love driving-imagine a couple fighting about whos gonna take the wheel on all trips. So the lovely cedia will be a constant reason for fights...n action and drama-don't we all just love that! ;) Two: They are fun loving, crazy, different but totally clued in to each other and together they make an awesome team! Three: I am very fond of them!! :) Four: They are both very good drivers (good in a 'let's rule the road' kinda way!). Five: I love the Canon 1000D that lav has and I totally think the camera DESERVES that trip! Six: They both love good food and chilled out vacations...10 days, 3000kms, through the countryside, photos, blogs,, will someone remind me why I haven't applied yet!!! Seven: I just voted for them and so should You!! Eight: The deadline is approaching, so those of you sulking like me because we can't make it anymore...let's make our votes count at least! (i voted for worked! lol) Nine: Both of them are about to enter into a very very special commitment for life...and what better a gift for them to kickstart their adventure ( they bite the dust!) and Ten: If you have such a lot of free time (like me) to read through all my nonsensical might as well VOTE FOR LAV & ANKUR!!! cheers and peace to all!!

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