Its easy for us, one among the chosen 100, to post here. But its great to see posts from the participants who are not in the top 100 list…
Posted by Prabha Koda on 07/20 at 01:30 PM
I am really disheartened that we are not in top 100. I don’t know what to say as we had put lot of hard work in our profile. I just saw that one of profile selected has got votes from people like Has the contest really become so famous that people mentioned above also decided to vote? Other profile selected is not complete at all. They don’t have any travel plan, google map, travelogue etc but they are in top 100. I sincerely hope that TGDC team and jury was unbiased because I really can’t understand the reasons for above mentioned profiles to get selected. Anyways, can TGDC team really show their fairness by posting the results of all the couples? Those who have not made it would really like to know where they missed.
Posted by Neelesh on 07/20 at 01:31 PM
Finally…. the cat is out of the bag! Nopes. We haven’t made it to the top 100. Anyways, the fun doesn’t end here. It will be great to follow the finalists through their blogs. Congrats to all those who made it. Cheers!
Posted by mayuri patil on 07/20 at 01:36 PM
Being a proud Cedia Spirit owner and having driven Lancersand Galants abroad for a decade, I would only wish all the best of fun to all 100 couples.
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
on 07/20 at 01:44 PM
Our best wishes to 100 top couples. Go give your best. We will follow your updates on GDC facebook .
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
on 07/20 at 01:47 PM
WE MADE IT TOO! Thanks TGDC for this wonderful contest and platform. Whether we make it to the next round or not is immaterial. It was exhilarating to be just part of the Great Dhak Dhak Contest!
Posted by Deepa and Dhruba on 07/20 at 01:47 PM
THANKS TGDC jury and above all our (Tara and mine) friends and family to get us selected into TOP 100. Since morning I was waiting to see this. First milestone crossed. Now we are prepared for further.
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
on 07/20 at 01:49 PM
Congrats to everybody who got through and to off’coz to ourselves. Excitement and challenge are just getting better and tougher . Looking forward to “The Great Driving Challenge”.
Posted by Saurabh n Divya on 07/20 at 01:52 PM
Hi guys!!
Posted by Leena and Sai on 07/20 at 01:52 PM
Congratulations to all the couples who made it to top 100. All the best for remaining contest and may the best couple win. This contest had kept us busy from last 2-3 weeks. Since most of the sites like facebook, flickr, orkut, blogspot were blocked in our companies, we were doing all the updates in night before going off to sleep. I guess we can catch on our sleep now. Cheers and have fun!
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
on 07/20 at 01:52 PM
Hoorah! We made it too ! The whole idea was a wee bit unnerving! But hats off to u guys…it was veryyyy innovative. Simply Awesome! Lookin’ fwd to such exciting moments ahead…
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
on 07/20 at 01:56 PM
Yea we made it to the next round! Bouquets to the TGDC team for the most innovative use of social media in a competition…something fresh. Brickbats only for @garima and her comments. Perhaps its just the attitude but it’s a pity people say things like she did without really looking into things further like what constitutes a person of Indian origin in our country. Anyway…whether we make it or not its great the team TGDC took the time to look into things personally and did a great job and didn’t react the way @garima did.
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
on 07/20 at 01:59 PM
Congratulations all of lucky guys!! I’m from Bangalore, and hoping for a GDC in Bangalore in near future. !!
Posted by S A Nair on 07/20 at 01:59 PM
A very well planned and managed campaign. Congrats Experience Commerce! Cheers.
Posted by Zishaan Hayath on 07/20 at 02:02 PM
Just signing off wishing all the 100 best of luck…may the most deserving amongst you win…
Posted by chandrani chaudhuri on 07/20 at 02:07 PM
Dear Friends, we are happy to have made it so far & congratulate all others who have. We couldn’t have made it so far without the support and wishes of so many friends. And all our friends who are not here, we don;t want this to stop here. We wish you luck for all your future endeavors. @ Vinny: You are such a sport, you’ve been one of the guys who’s really been supportive, no matter how things look today, don’t let go of the fighter inside. We are sure you’ll make it big soon. Cheers!
Posted by Amit & Jasleen on 07/20 at 02:16 PM
We are not there ! Disappointed and deeply saddened ! Blaming None ! ...Of course No Bricks !!... I sincerely felt and was very hopeful that i would definitely make it to top 9 ! not only first 100 ! everything crashed now….going through all these comments - i feel that many deserving couples were left behind who had a vast experience in traveling , driving, exploring, and traveling against all odds in tough conditions. Couples with very impressive Profiles, with good photographic and videography talent were ignored ! I sportingly accept that. Every Mega event has it’s own drawbacks - TGDC also had many but the process was refined at every stage. I appreciate the concept and the over- all management of this event by the devoted professionals of TGDC Team. we are not there but we do wish the Top 100 couples and we will be following our favorite couple from the road side till the end. I wish best of luck to Joseph Radhik / Poddar Team in particular. As requested by Vinny and Bushra - i too would like to know about the remaining 7 parameters for selection. If they wish to tell us. All the best to the Century couples !
Dr KS Anand & Eroj Anand
Posted by Dr KS Anand on 07/20 at 02:23 PM
hi everyone , from
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
on 07/20 at 02:25 PM
Hi Team GDC! Super work. It was nerve wracking to wait for the results despite going though the blog that the jury had handed it over last night itself ! It was if going through the admission list at college and hoping that the next name to be popped up will be ours. A friend of mine had started searching from the bottom, i started at the top, and another started at the middle. Yet Aarti (my partner) found it much before us. It gave such an adrenaline rush. Kudos to the team for thinking of such an innovative way to declare the result. We made it to the top 100 and now hoping to make it to the next shortlist as well
Posted by Harsh on 07/20 at 02:29 PM
Hi Sandip and team, Thanks for coming up with the GDC and getting all of us super excited about a travel contest like this. I am sure the jury had a difficult time selecting the top 100. We are completely excited about the next step of the contest… (and nervous as hell too!!) Thanks again!!!!
Posted by Radhika & Bharath on 07/20 at 02:32 PM
this competition is also jus like any other TV show.the critieria of judging profiles has not been followed.the ppl ahw are already in their late years of 40 s ,50s or 30s never done any adventure, never even travelled anywhere by road are sitting under top 100 participants. ALL RUBBISH.
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
on 07/20 at 02:43 PM
We are in!!! I now have to give out about 800 Biryani’s *sigh* Thanks TGDC for roping us in, I congratulate for all those who made it, I’m sorry for those who dint. But i have to say i have seen some of the most amazing profiles and really interesting people in this whole process and the couples i was routing for seem to be in and a few that dint make it. But i am sure the ride is not yet done being in the 100, Being in the Top 3 is definitely going to need more than what i can imagine. Just wondering if TGDC would roll out 10 Participants on the drive and have top 3 places instead of one
Posted by Sandy & Nidhi on 07/20 at 02:45 PM
Team Cedia, You guys were blogging so much about being able to find out the loopholes & the smart ones, & of votes not being the only parameter. We can vouch for the fact that many deserving profiles got left out & It would be in the best interest of brand Cedia that you guys move one step forward & let the exact weightage criteria for selecting top 100 be out in the open with marks for each parameter given not only of the winners but also of all the participants. This way there will be transparency in your process & lots of issues will hopefully be resolved. Otherwise this whole thing will generate positive moment of truth to the selected 100 guys but may end up generating negative brand recall in minds of lot of others. Hope Cedia Brand Manager is listening to this.
Posted by Sameer & Pooja on 07/20 at 03:03 PM
@TGDC We are not in top 100s, that is not disheartening, what troubles us are those people who don’t deserve the cake but still are priviledge ones to eat it… We have already seen few examples above and I don’t want to bring more of them. I am sure if we go through each profile which has been selected, we will find lot of things which doesn’t go with the contest. I had full faith in TGDC and thought only the deserving couples will be shortlisted, but unfortunately, I was wrong. TGDC is just another contest which has all those loopholes where in any non-deserving person can manage to get through. I know my comments will also be posted as just another brickbat, because, if TGDC was bothered about the image the created, they would have given it a second thought. So, without much cribbing, I point it out to TGDC to let them know that they might have tried to bring out a good and a fair contest, but they have failed! I hope the same thing doesn’t happen with the chosen 100 and a fair play happens “atleast with them,” considering that they are a smaller lot. All the best once again, an may the best Couple win. Vinny and Bushra! (Also, to those who are thinking that I am losing it out… let me tell you, Though I don’t have a car, i would still travel, Though I don’t have a digital camera, i would still click pictures, and ill keep uploading them in my orkut/facebook profiles. But if ever again it comes to articipate in such a contest, I will NOT, because I know how it happens!!!)
Posted by Vinny and Bushra on 07/20 at 03:04 PM
Flowers, Bouquets and a lot of roses for the girls who made this happen (In the TGDC team).... and more sleepless nights for the boys who brought us in…..Coz we are coming to the top 25….. Good job guys, the drive till now was amazing and i am sure the drive ahead is going to be thrilling…. Someone once said, “Its the drive you must enjoy, the destination brings an end to the fun” God bless TGDC…. you guys Rock man Anita & Arvind
Posted by Arvind on 07/20 at 03:15 PM
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