Winner Announcements for FANS will be delayed because of the address/phone verification process. All data for ‘lucky draw’ is shipped out to the organizers (and HML), and they will revert to us after they pick the lucky winners and also verify identity. We (web team) will start announcing the names as soon as we have the list on our hands. Meanwhile, I would also request you to stay engaged with the participants and publish your feedback/comments on the posts of individual teams. Your enthusiasm and support is key to their success. I understand that Day 1 was disappointing for many of you but we got to know late in the day that there were logistics nightmares for some teams and Murphy’s law ruled. I am sure Day 2 will be lot better as the teams (and the supporting crew) settle into their grooves. Have a nice weekend. hey sandeepji gud morning day = 2 well u can take yor own time i’m sure whatever u do is done to its best so taking some time is not a big problem and for the teams CHAK DE CEDIA
Posted by deepak on 08/08 at 02:23 AM
cool…. ha ha ha ...brova….ab isi ki kami reh gayi thi!!... just kiddin…..more over most of the people here are not because of the prizes. There are here because of the entertainment they are looking for. Day 1 has totally done to the dogs for us… lets hope day 2 is not the same.. Hey guys it’s a request to you guys that why don’t your escorts team that are going with the cars, to show us the coverage may be thru ptotos only…it’d b good for us and for you too.. I’m saying this because we don’t have ne direct contact with the teams. N neither the are respoding to our comments/ suggestions. Hey one more thing… Are the IIM outdoor struck somewhere (may be to find out where the charging cord will be plugged in) .we neeed your hard work guys!! C’on show us what you can do… CHeers keep up the good work
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
on 08/08 at 04:43 AM
Half of the day 2 is up and no new posts or updates from the teams yet And I/O is stuck at 190 KM since last afternoon..some change in plan or unforeseen snag? We expected this whole thing to be more dynamic as its turning out to be :S
Posted by Anamika on 08/08 at 05:24 AM
I feel the judgement went for a total miss.
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
on 08/08 at 06:21 AM
I agree with Vaibhavi Mhatre that the other tough teams - spartan hedgehogs, Kalie do-Indians, the highway karma, Dream Warriors would have given a edge to edge Fight !! ..and the final show down would have been more interesting…
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
on 08/08 at 08:25 AM
hi dr anand and vaibhavi r u ppl giving a suggestion 2 tgdc for season -2 oye it increases our chance 2 b there thanks yar
Posted by deepak on 08/08 at 09:09 AM
I agree with Vaibhavi and Anand. I posted several comments on the blog posts of IO but nothing shows up. They does not seem to be bothered of all this **** (as In the words of one leg fame). They are destined to win no matter what the competition or followers do.
Posted by Ram on 08/08 at 09:37 PM
@Vaibhavi - Still think the competition is one-sided??
p.s.: be there on the 17th to pop the champagne!!
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
on 08/09 at 08:34 PM
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