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joseph's avatar
08:35 PM
04 August 2009
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How to fit 224 people into one standard issue Cedia Sports   on a standard issue workday.

Posted By joseph

Content contributed by an ardent follower and fan of TGDC and IIM Outdoor - Joshua Karthik!


Also called “The Great Shopping Challenge”, as you’re all aware. 

The first truly interactive part of the selection process this far, was fun for me for one simple reason: I was transported to the mad dash between Goregaon and Linking Road and back, by the magic of twitter, the passion and enthusiasm of Team IIM Outdoor and the possibilities opened up by the GDC, all while at work in Jaipur the whole day! smile

Twitter works. And how. Webcasts don’t work on phones; online video viewing is frowned upon at work; even if this was broadcast live on TV, I wouldn’t be able to catch it during work hours; blogging is great to get the point across, but I don’t see the teams blogging on the road as the drive is on.

Team I/O wants to “save our souls” from the drudgery of work, and if this is how they want to do it, they have my backing! I’d much rather be “in the moment” with the team as things happen, than to just read about everything that happened hours and hours ago in a blog post at the end of the day.

Back to today. The first I got to hear of it was this morning, as I booted up twidroid ( on my phone.

I was greeted with this:

@jumpinjehosofat: How useful is twitter? Time to find out today!
#tgdc Discovering Mumbai as Great Shoppers - catch us here or catch us live in person!about 16 hours ago from web

@namrata2211: Queen of Sheeba wishes us luck as v embark on d Gr8 Shopping Chall. Catch us@Bandra betw 11-2 pm, Live.TODAY!! Check out

This led to a couple of quick phone calls and post confirmation, I settled into my work day, with one eye on twitter.

Tweet Count: 32

Through the four hour dash, Team I/O tweeted some 25 times, with roughly one tweet every 10 minutes (tweets with errors count too, just to show that they’re alive and kicking atleast!) and this was backed up by CediaGDC which added to the madness with 7 tweets of their own.

Photo Count: 24 (Plus 1 ducks-and-dog video)

And the on-the-spot pics were right on the money! 4 pics on twitter + TWENTY pics on flickr, all accessible via mobile phone, got me right to the action.

At the end of the four hours, I’d run through the battery of my phone by hitting refresh every minute or so but I did get to be “in the car” as they completed the task! :D

Today, for the first time, I’m guessing a lot of us followers got a taste of what the ten-day driving challenge can offer, if all the tech tools at the teams’ disposal are used well. As a fan and follower , I’m gunning for Team I/O ofcourse, but I just hope that every team that makes it to the top three will be able to “get us in the car” with them, every day of the way.

ATB to the remaining 10!
Peace. smile

THANKS Joshua! Though the experiment did not work entirely as planned, lots of followers tweeted, posted on FB, called us to put in updates!


namrata's avatar
05:23 AM
04 August 2009
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FOLLOWERS! JOIN US in The Great SHOPPING Challenge @Linking Road, Bandra 12PM TODAY!

Posted By namrata

DRIVE the Cedia in Bombay for 3 hours, NARRATE our experiences to you through blogs, tweets and photos, and SPEND Rs.2500 to bring back something memorable!

Quite a simple and straight forward task. But what do we do with the money? We decided that since we could only pack so many clothes with us for this trip & the auditions, and we would not be staying at any place long enough to get any laundry done, we thought we might as well buy some new clothes and other essentials for the 10-day journey should we be selected of course. smile

Enter -> The Queen of Sheeba!

Firstly, LUNCH: Joseph & I plan to have a typical working-Mumbaikar’s lunch - vada pav, pav bhaji, grill sandwich, chinese dosa, etc. We have set aside Rs.100 for a quick bite at the famous Jay Sandwich-wallah in front of National College (Bandra).

The remaining Rs.2400 is for the GREAT SHOPPING CHALLENGE:

Each partner to spend Rs.1000 to buy 10 things for himself/herself, and Rs.200 to buy a gift for the other.

Shopping mecca: The stalls, shops, boutiques at Linking Road Bandra (the best deals for every Bombayite!)

The 11AM-2PM Time slot: We leave Aarey Milk Colony at 11 a.m. and HAVE TO be back by 2p.m!

Contingency Plan: In case we can’t make it to Bandra, we detour to another shopping heaven - Lokhandwala Complex, Andheri (West)

Where YOU can contribute: Catch us and tell us what we need to do on Twitter@jumpinjehosofat, Facebook/IIM Outdoor Page, Comment on this post!

We’ll keep YOU updated through Twitter throughout, so meet us for shopping and lunch at Jay Sandwichwallah National College, Bandra anywhere between 12-1PM!

Please send in your suggestions for the laundry list below:

Who wins? - Whoever buys the most items(ok! ok! I’ll count my scrunchies as one item! (little hair-bands uses to tie up hair, very useful during long drives, may be should get some for Gaurav too!)).

Followers, Saviors, Friends, Guardian Angels: This is YOUR time!
Twitter@jumpinjehosofat | Facebook/IIM Outdoor Page | Comment on this post!

Include a #TGDC in all your Tweets!

Wish us luck!

Joe & Nam

namrata's avatar
12:01 AM
04 August 2009
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Posted By namrata

That’s how we spent our first complete day at the GDC auditions.

Sumptuous breakfast-> briefing session -> working on our route plan -> hugging the Mitsubishi Cedia at the official photo session -> working on route plan -> heavy lunch -> driving skills tested by the boss Mr.Adil Jal Darkhanawala himself! -> working on the route plan -> racing to meet the 6p.m. deadline, printer at the hotel isn’t very co-operative, make friends with printer, printer obliges -> rushing to the ‘Jade Hall’ to realise that Tanya Chaitanya is in the house! -> Interaction with Ms.Chaitanya (hope she reads our blog, joe’s tweets, my poem, maybe offers one of us a job @ Femina smile ) -> briefing for tomorrow’s task (big surprise, watch this space for more!) -> more food! -> tucking our fav Cedia (the black one) in for the night -> this post -> Gnite! catch ya’all tomorrow!

P.S. Our t-shirts, like mood rings, seem to express our mood for the day. Today Maroon = Ma’ vrooooom!
P.S. (ver 1.1) The first time I went for a spin in the Cedia! Yay! Needless to say it was legen – wait for it – dary!

joseph's avatar
01:45 AM
03 August 2009
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IIM Outdoor@GDC Auditions - Day 1

Posted By joseph

Today’s quite packed with a lot of “listening” and some very important “driving” followed by a lot of “discussing”.

And of course dinner and a lot of fun!

Here’s the agenda for Day 1!

The Pizza delivery team is ready for the auditions!

Joe & Nam

PS from Namrata: Apologies for the torture of looking us at grinning so much - we’re just EXCITED to be here!

Cheer us on!
Joe & Nam

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From : IIM Outdoor

Sent : 17th Aug 09 12:59:02 PM

Beautiful drive from Nashik to Bombay, one of THE best roads we have driven on!

From : IIM Outdoor

Sent : 16th Aug 09 03:20:55 PM

Bright, blue sky.. Cotton candy clouds.. We head to Nasik

From : IIM Outdoor

Sent : 15th Aug 09 03:54:33 PM

In pot-hole territory. Thank god we are on empty stomachs!

From : IIM Outdoor

Sent : 14th Aug 09 01:17:21 PM

300km from home! :) :) racing to indore!

From : IIM Outdoor

Sent : 14th Aug 09 12:08:08 PM

2361 Shivpuri

From : IIM Outdoor

Sent : 13th Aug 09 04:10:44 PM

10km from Gwalior, pulled over by the police to be asked Kya yeh sports gaadi hai? ;D

From : IIM Outdoor

Sent : 13th Aug 09 03:43:28 PM

Had breakfast AND lunch today! Niiiice! :D

From : IIM Outdoor

Sent : 12th Aug 09 02:42:18 PM

Tan! Tandan!! .. Aaja aaja dilli chhodein! .. Delhi dropped from plans. We head straight to Agra!

From : IIM Outdoor

Sent : 12th Aug 09 01:46:03 PM

It s hot at the Hawa Mahal! :|

From : IIM Outdoor

Sent : 12th Aug 09 11:41:21 AM

At Akad Cars, the Mitsu showroom. Mr. Abhinav, the MD, is tellim us the best way around Jaipur.

From : IIM Outdoor

Sent : 12th Aug 09 09:13:27 AM

Good morning world! We are in Jaipur! Today s objective: getting Joe a pink shirt/kurta ;)

From : IIM Outdoor

Sent : 11th Aug 09 07:55:47 PM

On NH8, long day comin to an end.

From : IIM Outdoor

Sent : 11th Aug 09 04:51:56 PM

Dust storm outside, but IIM Outdoors is snugly cocooned in the Blackhawk :)

From : IIM Outdoor

Sent : 11th Aug 09 01:51:31 PM

Leaving Jodhpur ... On our way to Ajmer.. Hoping to visit the dargah today .. Jodhpur was beautiful! *sigh*

From : IIM Outdoor

Sent : 11th Aug 09 12:20:07 PM

Just had a long conversation with Mr.Brijraj Singh - great-grandson of HRH Ratan Singh .. Visit to Mehrangarh Fort delayed

From : IIM Outdoor

Sent : 11th Aug 09 08:52:51 AM

Just got up, not a single post been uploaded so far, gotta hurry.. ttyl :)

From : IIM Outdoor

Sent : 10th Aug 09 07:56:44 PM

In Jodhpur old markets - SHOPPING!

From : IIM Outdoor

Sent : 10th Aug 09 06:47:10 PM

As the sun sets, we enter Jodhpur, today s travel - 396km, but not feeling blue at all :)

From : IIM Outdoor

Sent : 10th Aug 09 04:50:05 PM

100 km away frm jodhpur, horrible truckyktraffic on the way. Had lunch for the second time in four days! :)

From : IIM Outdoor

Sent : 9th Aug 09 02:27:22 PM

Just had tea with Mr.Dhanraj Mallik, Rann veteran & advisor to the BBC. Right now, on our way to discover some salt pans, thts how we spend our Sunday! ;)

From : IIM Outdoor

Sent : 9th Aug 09 12:05:24 PM

On state highway 07. Namrata s driving while I m writing and Enrique s crooning.

From : IIM Outdoor

Sent : 8th Aug 09 07:30:34 PM

At the Vintage Villa of classic cars, droolin over the sports tourers. Got here after blastin the 88km NE1 Expressway in 42mins! Cedia, take a bow!

From : IIM Outdoor

Sent : 7th Aug 09 10:25:40 PM

Ab hum bhi poore punjabi! ... Current track: Kangana .. For Gaurav from Chandigarh :)

From : IIM Outdoor

Sent : 7th Aug 09 09:56:45 PM

Just discovered d USB connector for the blackhawk s music sys... one of d best moments of d day! :D

From : IIM Outdoor

Sent : 7th Aug 09 05:28:25 PM

Reached our first destination Daman, it even has its own airport! :)

From : IIM Outdoor

Sent : 7th Aug 09 04:19:19 PM

Just drove 21 km in our cedia, for the very first time! This vehicle is just so smooth!! :) 50 km from Daman. Joe s taken over coz we have to reach by 12

From : IIM Outdoor

Sent : 7th Aug 09 03:09:15 PM

Good morning! :) on our way frm thane to vapi. Jus done upma n rawa dosa at Kamat Vithals. Catch the pic on our flickr n twitter!

About us

Namrata and Joseph, Bombay-ite and Hyderabadi, implore all you interesting, smart, cute and sexy people reading this to please, pleeez follow us !

Fresh out of college, we were thrown into the dust bowls of U.P and the jungles of M.P. Sneaky trainees that we were, we took full advantage of the available resources to explore. Whether the pine trees of Almora or the ruins of Khajuraho, a Bhojpuri film shoot or some gun-laden, mustachioed dudes in the Chambal areas of Bhind - our travels always had added flavor!


Other Teams

Radhika Bharath
Unny Bindhu

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