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04:55 PM
13 August 2009
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Our Lonely Planet

Posted By bharath

Our Lonely Planet appears to be well traveled. A true veteran in terms of travel experience. Dog eared and well worn, it’s a miracle that all the pages are held together. The book has made its way through many locations and helped us get out of or get in to places. It has been used to find hotels, a good café, places of interest, or even distances.
Though some of the information has been amended we’ve added numbers of new places, made corrections to old numbers, written down details of interesting people we met along the way.
The book is now 5 years old and has information which in completely out of date. Some hotels don’t exist anymore, phone numbers have changed and new places of interest have been added in subsequent editions.

The heights of the passes in Ladakh are different between the book and the markings at the top of the passes. There are roads marked on the map which exist only on paper.
Andamans has a few Islands that do no longer exist.

Why do we hold on to our copy? On page 322 you’ll find an entrance ticket to the Jama Masjid in Srinagar and if you happen to flip to page 1044 you’ll find special permission for Ross Smith Island in Andamans. Page 427 has a leaf from the Bodh Gaya tree.

For every traveler there is one object that they carry with them wherever they travel- A notepad, a pair of shoes, a well worn pair of jeans, maybe even a torch. These are our constant companions who have experienced everything that we have and are part of the memories we bring back from our travels. They are also the objects that we turn to or the objects that remind us that it’s once again time to put on your travel shoes and head off on the open road. This is our Lonely Planet.
P.s: For some inexplicable reason there is a parking ticket from Bhutan hidden in the pages.   
P.P.s- will have to think about replacing it at some point, but for now, we shall continue to add to an already bulging collection between the pages.

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From : One Foot Wild

Sent : 16th Aug 09 08:27:16 AM

on the road again, heading from udaipur to baroda

From : One Foot Wild

Sent : 14th Aug 09 01:31:24 PM

just reached jaipur... Its super warm here

From : One Foot Wild

Sent : 14th Aug 09 12:18:33 PM

Still pouring, hoping its also raining in MP where the soyabean farmers are looking up hopefully at the sky

From : One Foot Wild

Sent : 14th Aug 09 11:51:43 AM

Pouring all the way from Agra into Jaipur

From : One Foot Wild

Sent : 14th Aug 09 07:54:28 AM

On our way to Jaipur

From : One Foot Wild

Sent : 13th Aug 09 11:12:33 PM

Blogging! The bed beckons..

From : One Foot Wild

Sent : 13th Aug 09 07:46:54 PM

Just out after seeing the taj mahal!

From : One Foot Wild

Sent : 13th Aug 09 12:38:26 PM

Still on the road to Agra...

From : One Foot Wild

Sent : 13th Aug 09 08:04:32 AM

Heading to Agra. Its going to be a long drive..

From : One Foot Wild

Sent : 12th Aug 09 12:59:33 PM

In Varanasi, walking along the ghats and looking at the Ganga

From : One Foot Wild

Sent : 11th Aug 09 10:20:04 PM

In Varanasi, just got back to the room after the ganga aarti. Stunning.

From : One Foot Wild

Sent : 11th Aug 09 04:06:41 PM

30kms from Varanasi and its pouring..

From : One Foot Wild

Sent : 11th Aug 09 12:28:05 PM

Superbly bad roads on route to Varanasi. Soaking in the last sights of Madhya Pradesh.

From : One Foot Wild

Sent : 11th Aug 09 08:31:52 AM

Passing through the Panna Forest Reserve..stopped on a bridge..

From : One Foot Wild

Sent : 11th Aug 09 08:01:54 AM

Heading from Khajuraho to Varanasi..

From : One Foot Wild

Sent : 10th Aug 09 08:43:24 PM

Sitting at Raja Cafe having a European thali.. :)

From : One Foot Wild

Sent : 10th Aug 09 07:40:11 PM

Back at the hotel after seeing the absolutely stunning temples of Khajuraho.

About us

Being best friends with Bharath has been my biggest challenge to date. Constantly arguing about most topics under the sun and having diametrically opposite perspectives to life makes us such good friends.

Having met at photography school, our shared passion for travel, culture, music, books and art made us drive off to different places on photography ‘assignments’. 5 years down post-grad school we still make spontaneous trips to feed our wanderlust.


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Joseph Namrata
Unny Bindhu


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