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06:28 AM
11 August 2009
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The route is making it more challenging

Posted By thecouple

Being on the ghats and the forests is making our drive a little more challenging now. For there are places worth enjoying throughout the route and every inch of the road is exciting. So covering 3,000 kms in 10 days would now mean skipping a few attractions and taking long drives.

And we now hear that some of the cities en route are on swine flu alert!

Will keep updating.

thecouple's avatar
11:33 PM
10 August 2009
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The imminent change in Jog

Posted By thecouple

As soon as we reached the parking lot at Jog falls, a bunch of guides surrounded us offering to take us to all the nearby places of interest. We chose Nagaraj, for no particular reason. He did his job with utmost patience and diligence.

We chatted up with Nagaraj to know more about him and the status of his likes. He is one of 6-8 authorized guides in Jog. Nagaraj is the sole bread-winner of his family consisting of his mother and sister. Unfortunately, his mother is a cancer patient and is under treatment at a hospital in Madikeri, which is far from Jog. Like in most such cases, it is a struggle to make both ends meet.

But what’s more concerning for Nagaraj now are the changes that is happening in Jog. According to him, the TAJ group will soon take over the complete management of the tourism facilities at Jog falls. Though the guides have been told that they would not lose their job, it’s still a worry for them. We wish and hope that life will change for the better for Nagaraj and his colleagues.

Jog falls is on Sharavathy river and is the highest plunge waterfall in India. No amount of photos and videos can capture the magnificence of this natural wonder. Yet, some are here.

thecouple's avatar
11:07 PM
10 August 2009
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Sporty monkeys & Cedia Sports

Posted By thecouple

While we were mesmerized by the Jog Falls, some monkeys decided to have fun with our Cedia.

thecouple's avatar
10:40 PM
10 August 2009
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Damologist - A secret wish

Posted By thecouple

What is a Damologist? (Not Damnologist). Dictionary might not help. Dams have always fascinated us. It is a mixture of awe and fear when we look at these man-made wonders.

In most trips, we try to visit the dams en route. We want to be the first ‘damologist’ (whatever that means!) couple, visiting all dams in our country. Unfortunately, in the last few years, most dams are off-limits to visitors because of security reasons. And photography is a strict no-no.

We managed to visit some dams this time as well. At Dandeli, we crossed Supa, Thattihalli and Bommanahalli dams. Near Jog, it was the Linganamakki dam, whose backwaters is one of the largest in India. We had a distant view of the dam as well, only after going through a thorough questioning and scrutiny all the papers by the police.

In the backwaters of Talakalale dam was this small boat, carved out of a single tree. The boatman was not in sight. We got into it, only after our guide Nagaraj ensured that it was anchored well.

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From : TWaC

Sent : 11th Aug 09 10:23:44 AM

Bhadra dam & WLS. Touch & go.

From : TWaC

Sent : 10th Aug 09 07:50:45 PM

At Shimoga after a rainy day in rain forests

From : TWaC

Sent : 8th Aug 09 12:01:23 AM

Sagareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary A manmade forest spread over 84 sq km A haven for deers peacocks an many birds

From : TWaC

Sent : 7th Aug 09 04:38:22 PM

We haven't heard the 'Suprabhatham' chant for many many years. While we were in Chennai and Kerala we used to hear that quite often. First day morning. And as we walk into this nice restaurant at Vashi for breakfast, the 'Suprabhatham' chant welcomes us. Perhaps a good omen on the first stop on first day.

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About us

We, Unny & Bindhu, are a couple currently based in Mumbai. The best introduction can be: He (Unny) - Armchair traveler. Reluctant reader. Would-be writer. Amateur photographer, Day dreamer… and likewise, a pretender of too many things.

She (Bindhu) - Add a few more pretensions - a good cook, a good host, etc. Easily mistaken for a serious, intellectual reader, but far from it. Engineer by qualification; freelance writer by choice. Also volunteers as a teacher for Akanksha, an NGO.


Other Teams

Radhika Bharath
Joseph Namrata

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The route is making it more challenging

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The imminent change in Jog

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