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02:45 AM
31 July 2009
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We salute this kid!

Posted By thecouple

One interesting aspect of travel is that you get to meet some interesting people. Many a time, you get to learn from them and feel so humble. We lands at the Sindhudurg Fort, which is separated from the mainland by a 15 minute boat ride, and choose to explore the fort on our own.

A few guides approach us; we refuse them flat as if we’ve been to the fort many times. After walking for a while, we realise that in the limited time we have, we will not be able to cover all the points in the fort. After coming this far, we do not want to miss the important ones. Now what? As luck would have it, this cute little boy approaches us and offers himself as a guide. We are skeptical. But soon his innocence, earnestness, and spirit get sold on us.

And, at that auspicious moment, Gajanan Phatak, all of 11, becomes a guide for the first time in his life. We, his first customers. He has been following and observing his uncle who works as a guide and runs a cold drink stall in the fort. Now Gajanan is ready on his own. He stays in the mainland, the Malwan town and has come to visit his uncle during Diwali holidays. At Rs 30, his requirement is very less, but we are humbled by his intention to use that amount to fund his schooling.

Phatak Junior indeed is good in his job. He takes us to the must-see places of the fort, explaining in detail about each and the history of the fort.

We salute this budding talent and his entrepreneurial spirit. And contribute to his schooling fund a little more than what he had asked for.

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About us

We, Unny & Bindhu, are a couple currently based in Mumbai. The best introduction can be: He (Unny) - Armchair traveler. Reluctant reader. Would-be writer. Amateur photographer, Day dreamer… and likewise, a pretender of too many things.

She (Bindhu) - Add a few more pretensions - a good cook, a good host, etc. Easily mistaken for a serious, intellectual reader, but far from it. Engineer by qualification; freelance writer by choice. Also volunteers as a teacher for Akanksha, an NGO.


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