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06:44 PM
09 August 2009
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A day in the life of us.

Posted By radhika

For everyone who is reading this blog it might appear that we seem to be having the time of our lives. Well! That’s true but we also seem to have to do our blogging, photography and attempt to provide some footage for the short clips being put up.
We shall now attempt to put on paper a typical travel day as experienced by us.
Wake up unusually early by 5:30am
Attempt to get out of the hotel by 6am
Start our drive (a 300km drive shouldn’t take more than 6 hrs-typically)
Stop at anything we find interesting (which seems to be everything under the sun) and shoot on the way.
If we haven’t mentioned detour a hundred times before, let me mention it again-WE DETOUR.
So, what should be a typical 6 hour drive drags on for 12hrs
Reach hotel at 6pm- if lucky
Then attempt to pool all the content we’ve gathered and follow up with stories.
Typical bedtime for Bharath -12AM
Typical bedtime for Radhika -2AM
End result- No time to do things that we would love to do that is
1) More posts.
2) Reply to all the people who have been encouraging us and commenting on our posts.
3) Sleep some more.

But I think we just wanted to let you all know that the support and encouragement is really helping us. Its feels so good to have you follow our route with us. Thank you.

Radhika and Bharath.

Posted by

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09 August 2009

I can see who works harder now!

Lets put it down to the sheer stress of being on the road, shall we? smile

I know its hectic, but you guys are enjoying yourselves. Thats all that matters!! smile


p.s.: are you sure about being all wide awake while B drives??

Posted by


09 August 2009

So, here is my 0.01 guys. Well it is actually a 10.00 :D

1. Use It will save you lot of time for keeping in touch with everyone through flickr, twitter, facebook, wordpress, youtube… all at the same time. No need to several applications.
2. Use phone-to-email facility of TGDC for blogging
3. Keep the laptop connected to that power port and reliance hooked on. I have it running all day on my desk. works like a charm.
4. Make the back seat “a gadget seat” and the one with navigator turn should hit it.
5. Carry it while you stop roadside for anything. Battery should last that long at least
6. Picasa should ideally pick the photos directly from camera, but if not.
7. Keep some dry snacks ready with you as “substitute food”. It worked for me always. Lot of drinks in the car. You need it to prevent dehydration. Snacks and drinks will allow you longer drives with less stops. You will eventually get to a hotel anyways in the evening. You will have more time to eat and relax if you already blogged during the day.
8. Eat veggies. Eat light. You can blog if you are not busy with bathroom ;o)
9. Change places often. It prevents RSI and gives you rest from any prolonged activity.
10. Bets of all. ENJOY! it will automatically reflect in your blogs.

I hope something from this helps you. Keep going.

Posted by


09 August 2009

You can maybe take agra-mathura-bharatpur. Mathura refinery is top among 14 in India. You can see it right on the highway. There is also a very very large petrol pump which is the largest I have seen so far. Not sure if it is the largest in India. Can be.

If you can de-tour, that is. :o)

also, I was very pleased with the quality of photographs on your blogs. I finally decided to check out your application again and it mentioned that you are photographers. So, one mystery solved. :o)

Posted by

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10 August 2009

Thanx for setting our perspectives right…..It IS tiring and you have a few more days to go! ..... Do take care, both of you….... In the meantime , THANX for making it so excitng for us

Posted by

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10 August 2009

tragedy of India!

Posted by


10 August 2009

This sounds more like work than a vacation…but it is cool that you are managing to have fun in the middle of all the stress and sleeplessness.

Posted by

Maya Matthew

10 August 2009

Oh dear, life is tough but I’m going to be following you both and I want to see eveything you photograph blurred, wierd whatever.
Our computer got a bug so I missed out on the first few days but going forward I’ll be tailing you. Hope things get easier and more fun.

Posted by


10 August 2009

I guess fan expectations are high.. because your riding the dreams of 10,000 people who would have loved your seat (or should I say 9,998 to be precise). All I can say is keep them coming! And feed Bharath a six-pack red bull for the next 6 days!

Posted by


10 August 2009

Hey Bharath & Radhika,

I can hear your frustration. When something that you love doing becomes your duty it no longer is enjoyable. And that is probably what is happening to the three of you.

I say take your time and do try to enjoy in small bits and pieces if not completely. Probably when you will look back at these memories after sometime it would become more enjoyable to you then.

And also think about the numerous fans that you guys have created for yourselves… that itself is probably worth the effort. You guys are touching so many hearts everyday through your blogs. I personally like your blogs better than the other contestants and would bet any day on you to win this challenge hands down.

All the best to you guys and keep up the good work.

Posted by

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12 August 2009

Hey Radhika & Bharat take heart from knowing that all your ‘work’ and tiredness and sleeplessness are well worth it coz all of enjoy reading your blogs and seeing the pics.  So keep going. If there is excitement, there is no tiredness.
Must say Ram’s comment was excellent except Pt 7…..we want more stops and more stories !!!

Posted by


14 August 2009

Don’t burn out guys! but keeping doing what you do and those pictures coming!!

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