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10:43 AM
09 August 2009
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Bits and pieces

Posted By radhika

While driving through Maharashtra and the border of MP, we noticed people wearing the Gandhi cap which for me is an unusual sight. Looking around I realized that we pass by the smaller details of our culture because we are so used to seeing them. Thought it would be fun to show you portraits of the 3 people I conversed with and the cultural significance of the details they adorned.

Bangles have been worn in India since 2000bc and were made up of shell, bronze or copper.

While single women also wear bangles in India, they usually signify matrimony in the same way that the western wedding ring does. Red bangles symbolize energy, blue bangles symbolize wisdom and purple symbolizes independence. Green stands for luck or marriage and yellow is for happiness.

Bindi is derived from the Sanskrit word bindu or drop and suggests the mystic third eye of a person. The area between the eyes is known as Agna or the 6th chakra where all experiences can be gathered in total concentration. The red color signifying strength also denotes the status of marriage in a woman.

Caps have been worn in the states of Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka throughout history but became immensely popular when Gandhi started his non-violent movement and spun his Khadi version of it, becoming a symbol for politics in independent India.


Posted by

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09 August 2009

I wish if you had the opportunity to cover Rajasthani Bangles, Colourful Costumes and earrings !!....
May i suggest-
Catch up with Village Hukka, earthen pots apart from local rituals if you witness any in the Interiors.

Posted by


09 August 2009

Fantastic post Bharat/Radhika,

You guys have got me really engaged into your blog now, I wait for new posts to come. Every new post seems to be better than previous. Is it the magic of being in Cedia

One suggestion from my side is that as you are going from one terrain to another along with different culture in people that you are capturing, also try to capture the terrain, ,man made structures (not necessarily historic) houses, temples etc. Also may be write one or two posts on group culture in these places along with individuality.

Once again great work and thanks for letting us read through your lovely mind.


Posted by

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09 August 2009

Reebok and Gandhi Topi!

Jai Maharashtra!! smile

Posted by


09 August 2009

Lovely portraits.The second one is my favorite

Posted by

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09 August 2009

I like the Women! Could you also get one with a mangalsutra?  ....Poor they may be, ..but they will always have these.  ..... Jai Ho, our women of Hindustan !.... Congrats Radhika.

Posted by


09 August 2009

I love the Reebok man! Capitalism meets Netaism! Combined with the “all you can see” spectacles.. and the coolio look.. it takes a life time to find a shot like that..

Posted by

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09 August 2009

Brilliant photographs !

Psst : The Cedia element is missing in ur posts

I guess the fans and more importantly the jury would be wanting to see some images of Cedia too smile

Posted by

Dilip D'Souza

09 August 2009

> I guess the fans and more importantly the jury would be wanting to see some images of Cedia too.

I don’t want no images of Cedia.

Repeat: please don’t give us images of Cedia.

Give me Reebok man any day. Also, please bring me chashme like his, thank you very much.


Posted by

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09 August 2009

National Geographic (or better!) quality potraits. Keep it coming…..fantabulous B and R….....

Posted by


09 August 2009

That’s a nice combination. :o)
A reebok tee, a gandhi cap and glasses larger than his own face.

Nice portrait !

Posted by

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10 August 2009

hey Hi…

U know what guys..u have snatched me from IIM outdorrs. Earlier I was their follower, but after looking at your pics and their pace.. smile I shifted to you guys..

This is a great post…Keep up the great work gonna win…and also gonna make me win my singapore

See guys it’s a suggestion for you to increase your popularity try to increase your count of blogs…may be some small blogs from your mobile in an hour or two will definately gonna help you. This is just to increase ur appearence..Beleive me I’d work.. Also beleive me you gonna get a really tuff fignt from both the teams, as they’re also equally great…

So all I can say is All the best…

Posted by

Maya Matthew

10 August 2009

I love the image of the man in the Reebok t-shirt and gandhi topi. Its a whole new set of semantics/semiotics for modern india - an amalgamation of the ancient and the modern what a treat for an anthropologist. A treat for me too. Tks for sharing.

Posted by


10 August 2009

hehehe…. spreading smiles smile

Posted by

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11 August 2009

Enjoyed the story and pics, Radhika. I’m with Vamsee (comment above)....the 2nd pic is lovely…what a lovely smile. (My guess is she’s from Madhya Pradesh.) There’s so much to admire in simple rural folk. 
I am EAGERLY looking forward to your posts and pics from MP, my home State and I’m unabashedly senti about it !!!

Posted by


14 August 2009

Cool portraits esp the one of the smiling lady. It’s funny how we bust our asses to work hard and make more money and get ahead… and then go to a village and see someone who barely makes their ends meet so happy with so little!

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