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03:25 PM
07 August 2009
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First set of Friends on the road

Posted By thecouple

Meet the first set of our friends on the road. In fact they came home to see us off, and decided to come with us!!

So they are now travellingwithacouple !!

Meet Mahesh, an expert with his digital camera to catch some exciting moments. Joining him is Prasad, whose keen eyes and quick hands complement his camcorder. Ajay, plays with his Mac gadgets to get slick videos out of Prasad’s camcorder. Ajay is an editor. Driving all of them with a style and rhythm in a Pajero is Pramod.

Together, we hope to create some stories in the next few days.

Posted by

Aadil & Saniya Bandukwala

07 August 2009

Please give us a call when you’re in Belgaum. Would love to catch up with you. Call us on 9243337675.

Posted by

Hrish Thota

07 August 2009

All the best Unny and Bindhu! Have a great time on the road trip!

And say my hi to my brother Mahesh and friends Prasad and Ajay ! smile

Hrish Thota
Director, Flaunge

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07 August 2009

Wish i too could join !!

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07 August 2009

All the very best Bindhu and Unny. Are u touching Kerala in your road trip?

Posted by

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07 August 2009

Hey Guys,


Enjoy your journey.

U’ll are a Winning Team.

Have Fun & Take Care,

Posted by

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07 August 2009

Still no idea, where you both are heading. Can you give me the route?

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07 August 2009

It so wonderful of you guys to acknowledge your team.

Wish you both the very best
a good luck token,

Posted by


07 August 2009

Awesome .....

All the best to you guys ....

Make us proud

With Best wishes

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