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12:44 AM
13 August 2009
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I love you

Posted By joseph

We set off from the Jal Mahal in Jaipur at 2PM yesterday in the manner of a seasoned road-tripper. 228kms to go to the Taj, and 4 hrs and 30 mins for the ticket counters to close. 228kms in 270mins, very manageable indeed but our travails in Surat (the blocked bridge) and Jodhpur (the people’s march to Baba Ramdevji’s mandir clogs up the highways), got us worried whether we’ll make it in time or not. When you have this friendly beast of a car with you, most highways turn to expressways, and backroads to race tracks. It has been 2000+kms in the Cedia so far, but that is a love story for another day.

The drive to Agra from Jaipur takes you across a wonderful stretch from approx 30kms outside Jaipur till you reach Bharatpur. The last stretch to Agra is a pain though with no divider on the highway and lorries criss-crossing all the way. It was on this road that we found ourselves beating the clock at 6PM with 30 mins to go, I zigzagged the lanes beating autos, rickshaws, a host of 2-wheelers, and a lot of humans. Of course, the GogoIndia GPS gave up on us some 50kms before we entered Agra itself and we had to fend for ourselves in this maze of streets. The red Taj Gateway Signs were the easiest to follow till the Agra Municipal corp puts up huge posts saying “Taj Mahal 7kms” and so on. As Namrata zoomed in on one of the signs, I realized that it had been exactly 20hrs since I last charged my SLR. My worst fears had come true - we were left with only 9% battery charge, only 6kms from the Taj Mahal.

At 611PM, we parked the shining black beauty in the parking lot 1.5kms away from the Taj Mahal. From there, it was a short ride in an electric vehicle (Rs.50) before we reached the doors of the Taj at 618PM.

I love you.

August 12, 2009. Day 6 of the Great Driving Challenge. My first ever meeting with the eternal monument of love, one of the seven wonders of the world and a photographer’s dream. Here I was with 9% of battery left in my SLR and the light fading fast.

We entered the majestic East Gate and walked through the green avenues to reach the Buland Darwaza on our right. The Taj was getting closer and I could see her peeking through the arched gateways. As Namrata tried to distract me to ensure I get a proper first view, I did something I rarely do.

I switched off my camera.

It has been 6 days into this madness called the Great Driving Challenge and every photo I have taken still tells a story to me, but I wanted these first few minutes with this legendary place to be special. No compositions, no f-stops, no ISO…just me and the soul of the place. The photographs would have to wait.  We turned right into the massive gateway of Buland Darwaza and there she was.

The Taj Mahal was built by Shah Jahan (The King of the World) in memory of the love of his life - Mumtaz Mahal. The sweet pleasure of ascending the throne in 1628 lasted only 3 years for Shah Jahan, in 1631 the bitterness of Mumtaz’s death engulfed the emperor. Most people reading this post would know more than me about the stories of the Taj. So honestly it is time to talk about my first time.

The evening air in Agra was humid and there was only a slight breeze flowing through. There I stood, on the elevated platform on the exit of the Buland Darwaza looking at her in all her splendour. The bluish-magenta hues of the evening skies were the perfect backdrop to the surreal perfection of the white marble. When you see something for so many years in so many photos, you can’t really take in the magnitude of what you are seeing for a few minutes. At first sight, the Taj looked like a photograph to me - a really BIG one but a photo nonetheless.

The sun was slipping below the horizon as we started walking towards the Taj, I caught the reflections of the beauty in the water ripples. This was real, I was here. We slipped off our shoes, took the token from affable shoe-boy and a few steps later, we were on the marbled floor of main mausoleum. The floor was cool to the touch and there was love in the air - the hushed conversations of hundreds of visitors, the smiles on the faces of couples posing in front of the timeless beauty, the slow walks with hands held together and fingers intertwined, a hand around a waist and a head on a shoulder.

Flashes went off, cameras went click-click as people posed as kick-boxers, pointed fingers, folded arms or just stood smiling. Everyone trying to capture a memory of a place which has been around for the better part of four centuries and continues to enthrall visitors.

For me, it was just pure love. Every face I saw reflected the same emotion. Every angle of the Taj was perfection in architecture. Every single carving perfectly restored and maintained. And every corner told a story, if you’re willing to listen.

We returned to pick up our shoes, I took out the token and smiled to myself looking at the number. Token #143. 143, or I love you. Cheesy as hell, but so apt as well.

An evening spent taking only a few photos but an experience I’ll remember for a long time to come. Hopefully, the next time I won’t be single when I walk in those gates. (The Cedia should really be able to enter in with me!)

PS: I did not really switch off my camera. I used that 9% for a few shots for all you image-crazy folks! :D


First look

The rippling reflections

Heartbreaker at the Taj!

Can’t take my eyes off you

Inspired by GDC!

The Yamuna river

Tired feet on cold marble

Namrata was here. smile


Feeling blue


The Taj

Posted by

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13 August 2009

wonderful pictures of the Taj

Posted by


13 August 2009


Posted by


13 August 2009

nice snaps of the Taj.
though i have to point out one mistake you’ve made. The Buland Darwaza is in Fatehpur Sikri and not at the Taj Mahal complex.

Posted by

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13 August 2009

Joseph were you up all night or awoke very early to post your detailed write up at 5:34 a.m. to keep your eager tribe of followers updated.
Savoured and enjoyed the wonderful pictures with the morning cuppa and liked the compositions as well.
great job, keep going.

Posted by

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13 August 2009

Great man ,
Fantastic, True tears rolled over my eyes as I read your narration of each minute details of your anxious moments to reach the world’s most beautiful creation of all times.
Most liked was your positive attitude to take on the soft challenge of TGDC when they said what can you show to the world which millions have already shown.
Your blog was perfect answer , we saw the Shah Jahan, heart behind each photo
Qudos to You, Namrta and Team for bringing out some of the very special moments with Taj. Your rendezvous with heights of the most romantic gift in the world.

Teremakasi banyak


Posted by

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13 August 2009

Great Radhik,

I saw Taj First time in 2002. These are special photos as they reflect more serenity than I saw.Special timing and perfect narration

Keep up good work

Posted by

Babija D

13 August 2009

TAJ MAHAL , One of the wonders of the world, truly looks magnificient in this snap, too good & beautiful.

Posted by

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13 August 2009

brilliant pictures..! and thats my dad’s comment up there.. i think you should feel proud that you got him so excited about the contest that he (not so techno savvy) figured out how to maneuver the registration process and posted his first blog comment ever… in fact a few days ago he called me early in the morning (never ever something he does) to ask me what this website was called (because he had seen me looking through it when i was home)

Posted by

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13 August 2009

Wonderfull recreation of thoughts and imagery around TAJ.

I still remember my first visit there way back in 1994.

Excellent photos showing virance of TAJ.

Posted by

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13 August 2009

Fabulous pictures, Joesph!
Thats a quite lot of clicking for 9%

Posted by

Arvind Passey

13 August 2009

The last pic is simply heavenly… not that the others are not. They are all pics that capture the essence of the beauty of the Taj.

The businesses flourishing around the Taj and those who depend on it for a living… these are also deserving subjects, I presume. Some pic/s that tell a story—both within the Taj and outside it… but understandable, there is less time to stop and think and click.

Posted by


13 August 2009

Loved this post to bits. Great follow up to yesterday’s post. I was hanging on to every word written and it almost felt like I was there

Posted by

shubham joshi

13 August 2009

TAJ MAHAL———-the most extravagant monument symbolizing LOVE ..............a true delight for the eyes and ur pics added more to it .......keeep going and going ......not much time left ......victory is just round the corner….......follower

Posted by

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13 August 2009

Aah! Totally awesome. Wait, awesome it understatement. *Speechless*

Congratulations for so many non-cliche shot! I totally dig that wide angle shot of Taj,  “Namrata was here” and the reflection pic! And what a personal touch you people have given to it. Great! smile

Posted by


13 August 2009

Wonderful pictures of the Taj. I like the last blue one specially. Awesome.

Posted by

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13 August 2009

Buland Darwaza is located in Fatehpur Sikri which is located 43 km away from Agra. It is also known as the “Gate of Magnificence”. It was built by Mughal Emperor Akbar in 1602 to commemorate his conquest of Gujarat.

“The rippling reflections” is a great Pic !! ...You were lucky, some water was there !

Posted by

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13 August 2009

Lovely pics… You have played with the light very well.. smile

Posted by

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13 August 2009

Over heard some people, a couple of months back, talk about how the first glimpse of the famed Taj Mahal was such an ‘anti climax’. Would have directed them to this post if i knew their names. Wonderful stuff.

P.s.: Had posted a comment earlier but didn’t get reflected here. Came back to the site just for a second look smile

Posted by

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13 August 2009

I revisited the pictures and the accompanying write up a number of times through the day and found them more and more beautiful each time. The biggest and most amazing fact was your race against the fading light and the power in your batteries to click these wonderful well composed pictures. well done. keep up the good work.

Posted by

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13 August 2009

My comment on your ‘I Love You’ went into another blog. need a com to complicate matters, so my comment once again.

I am left speechless with the beauty of the Taj and the surreal photos.

                I can only mumble
                    “WAH TAJ”

Posted by

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13 August 2009

wow… awesome… and all other wow words can’t tell my feelings after reading your blog and after looking at the pics. One could not have captured the pics any better. And one could not have described the feelings in any better words.

When I first saw the Taj I was simply amazed at how majestic it looks. No pictures, I repeat no picture can ever describe the majestic beauty of Taj however hard one tries. It simply can’t be captured and that is why it is so majestic.

I think this blog entry alone is more than enough to beat down all entries combined by both the other contestants.

My hearty congratulations to you Joseph and Namrata as I declare you the winners of TGDC. Whatever be the final result, for me, you guys are definitely the winners. The other two teams were just trying to catch up after the beautiful blog by Namrata on Rann. But after this entry all their effort seems futile. I would like to suggest that they rest for a day and try to analyse your this entry and see if they can come up with something even remotely beautiful as this.

I just can’t stop myself from keep on praising you guys but alas however much I say it may not do justice to what you guys have just created…

kudos… Payal

Posted by

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13 August 2009


you’ve creamed them, baby!

the funny thing is - i know all your words are from the heart. even if there was no contest involved, this is what you would have written. and it is superb-fabulous-fantastic-stupendous-speechlessnessinducing-amazing-magnificent-

that 143 is spooky. like lancer99. :D

Posted by

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13 August 2009

Awesome pics dude!!!!
You are a true champion.

Posted by


14 August 2009

Excellent guys, I’m feeling like driving the Cedia while reading your blog on the locations you visit. I’m love to see the Taj, hmmm need to book tickets now your photograph tempted me. Though I’m not first time visitor to Taj but it is always as new as the first time.

Best wishes!

-Siva aka. Trammway

Posted by

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14 August 2009

This blog is awesome… the 143 funda… the clips (fav namrata was here smile)
.....brings back a lot of memories…...and the taj is the taj…..beautifully captured joseph way to go!!

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