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It’s time to roll up sleeves

Posted By thecouple

So far, we slouched on the chair. Other than sending out email requests and occasionally updating the social networks, we sat back with folded arms. The drama that unfolded in the past two weeks was worth watching.

We were reasonably sure to be in the top 100 and hopeful to be in the top 9 (now 12). At 12.00 pm yesterday, the uncertainty was over. It was a moment of great excitement. Then came the realisation that the slouching is also over. From now, we acknowledge that it is going to be great challenge. It’s time to roll up our sleeves, bring out all our energy, and focus it on just one thing – TGDC.

Friends, we share our moments of delight and enthusiasm here. Do join us in this journey with your cheers and smiles. And don’t forget to leave your comments. 

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