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06:34 PM
07 August 2009
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Red, White and Cheese.

Posted By radhika

A detour. NH3 behind us. Step into wine country. Smiles on our faces. Cameras out. Wine tasting. More smiles. Radhika giggles. Comfy chairs. Glasses swirling. Sipping some Sauvignon Blanc.Wine tour. Continue with the giggles. Cameraman Gautam rolls eyes. A little piece of France right here in our backyard.

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07 August 2009


Your going to convert half of Bangalore into Wine drinkers… excellent capture of images.. as usual… keep them coming!!

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08 August 2009

All this discussion on wines and cheese makes me want to go to Nasik.
Have fun guys.

some of these pictures are awesome.

Posted by


08 August 2009

fine post, Radhika - Vamsi and I kept checking the blog frequently and despaired to see no posts from you guys - go for this quality than quantity!


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08 August 2009

Amazing set of pix guys!! Loved the posts too… just keep ‘em rolling in more frequently

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08 August 2009

AMazin pics!!!
so much love ur wrk !!:)
pics bring out teh essence of the place and its flavour really wel!
cheers !!

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08 August 2009

stunning pics radhika and i like the way you have described the whole experience…..great going!!

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08 August 2009

17 August is my birthday… and that’s the date when the results will be declared…

I hope you guys win this contest!!!

All the best!! smile

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08 August 2009

Awesome set of pics guys .. mind blowing really .. i guess there is no doubt left now who’s the best .. keep them coming

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08 August 2009

awesome images and the blog spells quality….great going guys…..keep it up…another 8 days to go!

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08 August 2009

Very You! smile

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09 August 2009

You have started a WINNe(ing) Tour !!Keep it up !!

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09 August 2009

Good text radhika but absolutely superb pics, especially….heck they are all so great that I cant proceed after “especially” !!

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09 August 2009

As always, your images are good.

Splash some cedia on those images. I can’t notice any cedia or mitsubishi stuff there. Isn’t this drive all about cedia promotion?

I would love to see cedia in those photos and places you visit.
:o) Keep going. Keep going.

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