Our Introduction

We are George and Rohini Panakal, currently residing in Mumbai. I am a solutions consultant in the learning and development function. Rohini (friends call her Ron) is a fraud and risk management professional, and we’ve been married about five years now. But for the need to earn a living, we would’ve been gypsies :) We simply love to travel and eat! Ron shares her dad’s passion for nature and has been on numerous treks with him. I am lagging behind them by miles in terms of the miles they’ve trekked and the fauna they’ve seen. My dream is to see all of India by the time I’m 60, and now I feel I’ll have to extend that by at-least five more years :( Together, Ron and I have done numerous trips and never been on a package tour. We prefer to drive and plan our trips by ourselves. From short overnight trips with a gang of boys from work, to long retreats in the hills, we’ve tried them all and then some more.