Our Travelogue

Both Jyoti and myself have been brought up abroad most of our lives . Jyoti was based in Kuwait and I grew up in Brunei. Both of us did our latter part of the schooling and completed our college studies in India. When we got married we moved to UAE where we spent 15 years. We have covered all the 9 emirates in UAE by road and I have driven twice alone to Muscat ( OMAN ) . We relocated back to India during June 2007. Initially we had a Maruti Zen and then graduated to a Mahindra Bolero in Dec 2007 as the Zen was getting to small for the family. I drive to my hometown Kerala almost every month and have been to most of the places around Bangalore in these 2 years we have been here. As i mentioned wwe have clocked 78,000 kms in 1 1/2 years after buying the BOLERO. The thing I like about driving on Indian roads other than the challenges which is quite normal is the scenic beauty and the different cultures one sees while driving through this beautiful country of ours. The challenge about driving in Bangalore , as the thumb rule " ONE IS EXPECTED TO DRIVE ON THE LEFT HAND SIDE OF THE ROAD BUT BANGALOREANS DRIVE ON WHAT IS LEFT OF THE ROAD "