Our Travel Plan

Thoh,its contrary to my idea of journey,because plans tilll now ,were made by,which road is blocked and which one is open.....but this time I plan to have a PLAN :) else they wont give me the "CAR"...niether wud my dad,in any case ..and Naysa wont let me drive hers (with a CEDIA,atleast ,we can bicker over who's gonna drive till we spot the next wild cat) Well,I just landed to bangalore ,and I was thiking ,whats so special about South,that people are all gaga...But Naysa had a different take on this....ansd me too,since yesterday,when I saw these pics in a travel magazine.... ELse ,I would have inadvertently spluttered "Plan?? Mor Plains,Tso Moriri ,Nubra and back".... its going to be different,Will let it out soon !!