Our Travelogue

NAYSA wud be updating here account later,since I am at bangalore ,and she's in Delhi.I pitch in my part : Mine's is all indian journal,cause it took 5 years for MEA to issue me a passport (hell,I cud bunk classes and go for OktoberFEST....my folks wud have never known,I was a hosteler) I came to a conclusion that if your gameplan is always to credit your bank account with your life insurance cover, you would find yourselves traveling alone, and nobody would be there to capture that profusely sweating glory on making it back home (Yipee!!! guys ,M back!!!....Once again??) LIKE OUR MAN IN Discovery’s man vs WILD. Travel,means ,getting away from home as far,as fast,and as soon (like 15 min notice that I had for Spiti valley)....and finding a new home. Chhota Manji To DHODITAAL (UTTARKASHI) : All that I have done in name of sole rubbing had a hallmark of chaos.but the order is easy to be missed.The crux was that ,it was always basic,animal instinct in nature,with the sole aim of going and coming back in one piece-That’s what I can best describe in one of those moments-when we heard a big brown smoothing the heavy rocks that formed the precincts of our enclosure on the snowy midnight of 28 March,02 and me and my friend were left wondering what to do.Late only we learnt though,that the choice almost always rests with the bear. McLeodganj TO TRIUND : So,after doing my bit of it,like scratching fingernails against rock faces in an effort to gain a chameleon grip and clinging just there (so that I don’t go all the way down into the 300 some feet gorge, that would have made a perfect backdrop for my villa,if I were Bhanu ...Ambani),I managed a fothold ,and ...phew....I was still there,full of air and senses.....What next,u wanna know, cheered to myself with a few pints for that extra life I had. TABo to DHANkAR to SPITI (and stuck Somewhere in the way) : Got wiser, now that I know what to do,if my vehicle is all set to be washed away in a river of mud slurry that gets bigger with the passing minute while you dreaming of making it to Kaza before sundown. The answer is you leave your car, stand out in d “fifty five gallon,a second” downpour and smile-without feeling stranded and moisting your spirit at maybe 3000 mts above GOA’s Anjuna Beach- with your soaking backpack. Someone might have pity you on that 3 vehicles a day route. Of course,the thought of Raves at Anjuna cudn't cheer me in that moment…… Moral of the story – Carry spare briefs and waterproof that section- at least. AND i guess,everyone of you must have done their bit of GOA,KERALA,MANALI ;) PIN PARVATI trek : And at the finish of it, I like to talk of enjoyable survival…..I coined that…….that’s exactly what shooting in the back of your mind at a zillion fps ,when you have a 20 kg backpack on your back ,desynergized by empty guts on your front - on slippery trails with a breathtaking steam gurgling below. Aleast it doesnt merely sound that-BREATH TAKING, when life seems tricklin away -like rainfall from a friendly chaiwala’s tin roof(that appear mysteriously around d bend on misty trail). That’s photog, writer, backpacker, driver…..ME.. Incessant, point blank The YIN(lady’s version) is gonna come up soon . All it takes to rise above is to get my Chi flowing..